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westbury ny
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Infinity BU-2 Powered Subwoofer. 12" 120watts rms 549.00 New 200.00 takes it. Used lightly for approx. 2 months. Great Condition

Klipsch KSW-10 Powered Subwoofer. 10" 250watts RMS 300.00 new 100.00 takes it Used for a couple of months. Very good Condition

Marantz MA500 Mono Amp. 125watts @ 8ohms, 180watts @ 4ohms x 1 Channel 330.00 new Sell for 150.00. Great condition. I used it for a surround channel. So very light use. Great for center channel power improvement. THX Certified

Velodyne HGS10 Powered Sub. 10" Servo Drive System 1700watts rms 3000 Peak. one of the greatest subs made. 1700.00 new 1100.00 Takes it.
This thing will knock glasses out of your kitchen cabinets and stay very quick & musical the whole time.
THX Ultra Certified

Thanks for looking


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B&W 802's with HTM2 center chanel to match. Bryston amps and Rotel preamp/suround. Arcam cd/dvd player. I still have to get my rears.....almost there.....;o) Very similiar to reefing....it never ends...lol


westbury ny
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Nice stuff
I'm running. Integra 40.1 processor, Parasound amps x3, M&K 750LCR, S55 Tripole Rears, Velodyne HGS Subs, PS3 soon to be oppo lol.
I hear you on the "never ends" I am Saving for Focal JM lab 826w 30th anniv. editions now. Maybe By Summer, or sooner if Audiogon comes through LOL
P.S. I am REALLY jealous about the Bryston. What Model. I pine for a 4B or Three:wink1:
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I likie... nice matchup of gear I always liked parasound. ..How do like your Integra...actually I should say how do you like your integra after you get your focals....:cheers: How many pairs are available in the U.S .....not many....I want to hear this speaker...looks sweet too.
The Bryston I have is the 6bsst. This is a powerhouse....I have all three channels biwired to the front left and right speaker as well as center. The thing I like about this amp is that it is very acurate, lighting fast and rock solid power without any effort. Only downside gets hot as hell(not a big deal its probably not liking its load to much)....and needs to be a little "softer" more airy amplifier for listening to "Music". With that said with movie tracks it is so on....:division:I have also been eyeing the Anthem Statement d2.....



westbury ny
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Wow a 6b. That is sweet. I really like the brystons for music. Have you ever heard them with the PMC's? It's F/ing Amazing.
The AV store I use is a Focal dealer. He has a pair with a sratch he is letting go for 2650. I wish I had the dough right now. Anyway if I miss them I will keep my eye open for used Utopias. I really like the Focals though. I also like the PMC's Alot.
As for the 40.1. I dont think you can beat it for the price. I replaced a B&K Ref.50 & I like the sound of this alot better. But better than that is the way its sound completly dissapears. It is DEAD during quiet passages of Anything. Sort of like a Lexicon or Theta. Although its ugly. It certainly does not look like a high end unit. It looks like a reciever. The internet sreaming capability coupled with the PS3 can not be beat at any price.
The anthem is a Great, great, great processor. The only downside would be the Price.. Not that it is overpriced because its not.
I am actually going to keep my M&K's when I get the Focals. This way I can still use them for movies. Because IMO there are not many speakers that can beat the performance of them for movies. Who am I to tell George Lucas how to mix down a movie soundtrack LOL


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I have not heard them paired up...I love dented ding specials.....that how I bought my center channel......;o) The reason why I ask about the Integra is I heard so many good things about it but never heard it. I dont like my rotel as much....I cheaped out......lol. Right now it is the weakest link in my system....its not terrible just not what it should be. Its also a little glitchy when switching hdmi inputs and some artifacts at time in image.
I love M&K speakers my father has it in his setup....absolutely great movies speaker.


P.s- What is your name ?


westbury ny
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James,, Nice to met you Thane
If you check audiogon there is a 40.1, maybe 2.they are going for about 8-$900.00. Also an 80.1 and a couple of Anthems on there.
If you dont already,,, keep your eye open on Agon for anything you are looking for. I have seen so many quality pieces go for less than 1/2 of new. Somtimes-25 cents on the dollar. Great site if you have expensive ears & shallow pockets. Like Me.
I also here that the Emotiva is a great bang for the buck processor.
I honestly, would use my M&K's for music, if all music was recorded well. But music is not like movie soundtracks. Not that all movie soundtracks are rcorded well. But there seems to be more QC on a project costing 10's of millions of dollars.
I am also in the market for a Bag end infra sub 12. My buddy has 2 18's and I have never heard as good of a seamless intergration of a sub to main speakers. As big as these subs are. They seem to dissapear in his room. Not an easy task for two 28"x28" boxes. LOL. Evertime I am at his house. It blows me away. I have NEVER heard a sub that musical before, including the entire REL series. I heard a a studio or a stentor III and it does not sound as good IMO. Those subs cost upwards of 5-$6000.
As for the HDMI swtching. I was having some issues also. The problem was I was using some "cheaper" cables.
With all of the money I have spent on cables over the years. It was hard for me to shell out 150 bucks on a DIGITAL cable. Especially when I have a fortune in old digital & component & Svideo Etc. sitting in a box.
I should own Audioquest & Cardas by now.
I figured if the processor was getting the signal. All ststems were go from there. Unlike,,, say,,, speaker cable. Anyway long story short LOL. It made a big difference.

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