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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 100%
172   0   0
Exactly like it says 2 female leopard geckos, 55 gallon tank,wrought iron stand,screen top, 25 lbs. Desert sand,water bowl, some deco, heat lamp. Even another 25 lbs of new sand to change the substrate in the future and rep-cal multi vitamins. They are extremely tame, great pets for kids or anyone for that matter. They are so easy to take care of they eat about 2-3 $ worth of crickets a week which can be purchased at any pet store. The reason i am selling is between my many fish tanks, my kid and working it's just wrong to keep them when i rarely have time to take them out and play with them anymore.

First $250 takes'em home.

Easily a $500+ setup
these lovely ladies are located in flushing, queens.


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 99%
96   1   0

If is such an expensive set up why dont u take back to the petshop where u bought it and get "what u deserve":tongue1::tongue1::tongue1:

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