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Post your free stuff here. Same rules as the reef related thread, if I find out that people getting stuff for free and flipping that stuff for profit whether in private or in a store I close and delete the thread and you can go scratch. This is a pay it forward type of thread, so if you don't know the definition of PAY IT FORWARD then don't bother posting here.

NON reef items only in this thread.


Rookie Extraordinare
Henderson, NV
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31   0   0
Lexus RX300 rear bumper

Crutches and walker, some new some used very little- I really want these to go to someone who can use them

ATX power supplies- I have about 5

HP 2000c printer

will post more when I think of it


Crazy Pico guy
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63   0   0
ok well it's not reef gear, but it's still free.

i have a coffee table that i dont need anymore. I bought it at a yard sale 3 years ago for $5, now Free if you come pick it up.

understand that it isnt new, nor was it new when i bought it. but it's great if your just starting out & dont have much in the way of furniture.

I'll edit my posting latter with a picture (or pm me if your interested)


johnny roastbeef

Advanced Reefer
Commack, NY
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Take my fish please. I need to rehome a 10" red devil cichlid. This of course is fresh water, it is a beautiful fish, and much deeper in color than this picture shows. I'm in Stamford, but can meet if needed.



Advanced Reefer
Holmdel NJ 07733
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227   0   1
I have an Epson C66 inkjet printer - you just need to clean out the nozzles and I have plenty of cartridges for it. Also have a bunch of hamster cages and Habitrail stuff. P/U on Staten Island - PM me and its yours.


and I put him in my tank
Rating - 100%
23   0   0
As much as I really don't want to lose this fish, he needs to go. He is too aggressive toward other fish. He is a large aggressive cichlid that needs to be housed in a large tank, like at least 50 gallons with similarly aggressive/large fish.


Looks mean doesn't she!?
Rating - 100%
12   0   0
Blue downfeather cushion couch. 78"W x 36"D x 36". Had it for 2 years. Have a dog so a good cleaing to remove all hair may be necessary if you have allergies. The cushion has a bulge in it - one of the pillows ripped so I had to stuff the feathers back in.


westbury ny
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79   0   0
Free/ 4 Fire Bellie toads in 10 gal tank with moss, water bowl, fake plants, screen top.
I adopted these from the summer kids program @ my work, and I dont want to take care of them anymore.
They eat crickets and drink water. They look cool when they climb on the glass like spiderman.
PM me if interested. If not I will donate them somewhere.
P.S. you dont have to give me any frags, or live rock, or used skimmer, or powerheads, or tank to make a sump, or lights, or live sand, or dead sand, or hob filter to make a fuge, or anything. THEY ARE FREE


north jersey
Rating - 100%
390   0   0
Free/ 4 Fire Bellie toads in 10 gal tank with moss, water bowl, fake plants, screen top.
I adopted these from the summer kids program @ my work, and I dont want to take care of them anymore.
They eat crickets and drink water. They look cool when they climb on the glass like spiderman.
PM me if interested. If not I will donate them somewhere.
P.S. you dont have to give me any frags, or live rock, or used skimmer, or powerheads, or tank to make a sump, or lights, or live sand, or dead sand, or hob filter to make a fuge, or anything. THEY ARE FREE

hey chef, are they still available? my 7 yr. old saw them in school and now he wants one. please lmk. thanks, tom


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 100%
172   0   0
hey chef, are they still available? my 7 yr. old saw them in school and now he wants one. please lmk. thanks, tom
they are pretty cool and can actually be housed with many other kinds of animals..I used to have them in a tank with a few different kinds of lizards as well as tree frogs and fish in my water section. If they are gone you can buy them at most pet stores they are only a few bucks a piece. If you need any advice on their care feel free to PM me.


No Coral Here
Montclair, NJ
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237   0   0
I have a free 250 gallon glass tank that has a water tight divider and two holes drilled about 4-6" up from the bottom for an external filter (right now for a fluval). This tank is perfect for turtles, frogs, snakes and other reptiles.

Pick up is in Clifton NJ.

PM or email me for more info and to confirm pick up.

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