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I have a african fat tailed gecko for adoption... Asking 25 i paid 60 for the lil guy....

I also have a very colorful leopard gecko for the same adoption fee...

Pics upon request...

I can include a 10 gallon tank food and water bowls maybe a few toys... All u will need is a heat lamp.



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(adoption does not usually not mean a fee is involved.... ;) )

i was going to adopt a poodle about 3 months ago at north shore... there adoption fee is 300 bucks... i went to aspca... they wanted 250.... hmmm

anyways if you would like the lil guy i will give him to you for free. however i was charging the 25 dollar fee to cover his tank screen top food water bowls food bowl calcium bowl etc... after all i will be giving way more then 25 dollars in dry goods.

but if you would like the gecko only i will give him to you free of charge. I have 6 of them and my light bill is going to be thru the roof this summer. lol

lmk thanks

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