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Winter. Time for Flakes..
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Need to start unloading on some of my fish. So I need to get rid of a few of them.

You guys get first dibs... then I put on CL.

13" Silver Arowana (?)- $75.00 Eats pellets, market shrimp, blackworms.

3" Pigeon Blood Discus (Looks to be male)- $15.00 Eats shrimp pellets, Blackworms, market shrimp.

5" Bushynose Pleco (?)- $5.00 Eats driftwood and algae wafers.

5" Green Severum (Looks to be female)- $10.00

4" Managuense (F)- $10.00

3" Jewel (?)- Free

2.75" Jack Dempsey (?)$5.00

13" Lapradei (M)- $50.00

7" Red Tiger Oscar - $20.00
6" Albino Oscar Free w/ purchase of 7". Can't split up their pairing.

All fish are healthy, eating and no diseases. You will need to bring your own buckets for the larger fish.

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