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Advanced Reefer
Yonkers, NY
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OK, I'll throw in some life in this forum:

Hi all,

Maybe there is a lost soul from Fresh Water world here?

I offer: lots of Java Moss FW aquarium plant.
Or: Anubias Barteri var Nana FW aquarium plant.
Java moss - many cups available - tell me how many you want. Anubias - several plants available.
Wanted: Any Central American or Asian FW plants
OR Pulsing Xenia or Ricordea coral
OR even rubble rock for my filter in the 12G Bio-Cube DX tank.
How about that?
Last edited:


Advanced Reefer
Yonkers, NY
Rating - 100%
12   0   0
MRDBTC: Non-Reef Fresh Water plants: Anubias, Java Moss & others

Updating the rules & offer after first successful trade!
Thank you mray!

Being offered:
1. Java Moss FW aquarium plant (lots of it).
2. Anubias Barteri var Nana FW aquarium plant (med sized).
3. Some floating FW aquarium plant

1. Contact me via PM ONLY.

2. Post your reply in this forum to let others know what you are interested in. (optional)

3. You must offer something of the following to me:
3a. Any FW plant native to Central America.
3b. OR any other coral from Indo-pacific region that is fairly easy to maintain/grow.
3c. OR even some rubble live-rock to fill in my 12 Gallon Biocube's filter area.

4. When requesting plants, you must specify plants (from above) that you want to get and quantity in cups for Java Moss and for other Floating plant.

5. You must pick up the plants from me or meet me on Manhattan (M-F between 12:00 adn 3:30 PM) around GCT area. Or in New Rochelle if on the weekends.

6. I have final say on if I feel that I want to host the coral you offer. (I'm interested in corals native to Indo-Pacific only and I will be checking the origins of the offerings before accepting the offers). I leave it to you to judge if my experience and ability will be enough to keep your coral alive.

Finally here are some pictures of plants offered. You might not be getting the exact same plant, but something very similar to it.
1. Java Moss & anubias on the back-ground (drift wood not included in the offer):
2. Close-up on Anubias Barteri var Nana:

3. Unidentified (still) floating plant, definitely NOT java moss:

Please click on the above images to view larger version.
Thank you!

OK, I'll throw in some life in this forum:

Hi all,

Maybe there is a lost soul from Fresh Water world here?

I offer: lots of Java Moss FW aquarium plant.
Or: Anubias Barteri var Nana FW aquarium plant.
Java moss - many cups available - tell me how many you want. Anubias - several plants available.
Wanted: Any Central American or Asian FW plants
OR Pulsing Xenia or Ricordea coral
OR even rubble rock for my filter in the 12G Bio-Cube DX tank.
How about that?


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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The spirit of the dbtc was to spread the net of tank raised corals instead of getting them from the oceans. You're really not supposed to get anything in return. Theres the normal DBTC where the frag you give away (Free) is supposed to have the condition that any frags that are generated from that piece are supposed to go back into the DBTC.

Then there are "Rings" where it's just supposed to be a pay it forward program, I.E. I give this to you in exchange for you to give something to someone else other than me, and the condition is that it must keep going forward.

What you're proposing in this thread is neither, it's just a want to trade deal.


Advanced Reefer
Yonkers, NY
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The spirit of the dbtc was to spread the net of tank raised corals instead of getting them from the oceans. You're really not supposed to get anything in return. Theres the normal DBTC where the frag you give away (Free) is supposed to have the condition that any frags that are generated from that piece are supposed to go back into the DBTC.

Then there are "Rings" where it's just supposed to be a pay it forward program, I.E. I give this to you in exchange for you to give something to someone else other than me, and the condition is that it must keep going forward.

What you're proposing in this thread is neither, it's just a want to trade deal.
I'll keep in mind for my future posts


Advanced Reefer
Yonkers, NY
Rating - 100%
12   0   0
Still available: FW Plants - Java Moss, Riccia, Anubias, Duckweed

Still available for trade or sale:
Java Moss $5 / cup + 1 extra cup
Riccia - $6 / cup
Anubias Barteri var Nana - $15 / plant
Duckweed $1.00 / cup (I don't know how to measure this)
See the picks somewhere in this thread.

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