- Location
- 45-62 162nd St. Flushing NY 11358
eBay Profile <https://www.ebay.com/usr/nyreefaquatic>
Some new zoanthids are added into our eBay auction listing!!
Beauty and the Beast
NYRA NeverBeast
ASD Pink Halo
Salted Agave
Scarlet Fever
Rainbow Yoda
Rainbow Bubble Tips Anemone
and more high end corals are up for auction with $9.99 starting!!
We have more than 50 listing EVERYWEEK and EVERYTHING starting at $9.99!!
eBay Profile <https://www.ebay.com/usr/nyreefaquatic>
#ebayseller #ebaycoralauction #ebayreefauction #ebaycoral #ebayauction #ebayreefstore #ebaycoralstore #zoanthids #lpscoral #spscoral #chalice #allmymoneygoestocoral #highendcoralauction #highendcoral #highendzoa #reeftank #reefstore #saltwateraquarium
Some new zoanthids are added into our eBay auction listing!!
Beauty and the Beast
NYRA NeverBeast
ASD Pink Halo
Salted Agave
Scarlet Fever
Rainbow Yoda
Rainbow Bubble Tips Anemone
and more high end corals are up for auction with $9.99 starting!!
We have more than 50 listing EVERYWEEK and EVERYTHING starting at $9.99!!
eBay Profile <https://www.ebay.com/usr/nyreefaquatic>
#ebayseller #ebaycoralauction #ebayreefauction #ebaycoral #ebayauction #ebayreefstore #ebaycoralstore #zoanthids #lpscoral #spscoral #chalice #allmymoneygoestocoral #highendcoralauction #highendcoral #highendzoa #reeftank #reefstore #saltwateraquarium