On planning to setup a dormroom desktop nanoreef, I've came across some very similar choices. Instead of buying a 10 gallon tank and piecing it together, I'd loved the idea of a small integrated system. The main three out there for a smaller tank are the 12g Nano Cube (JBJ), 14g Bio Cube (Coralife), or 12g Aquapod (Current). Orginally I wanted T-5 lighting but none offer them. Also a concern with the tanks are a lack of protien skimmers (although I don't used one on my 20g mini-reef). Overall, which is the best product for a nano reef of that size?
The Boarding contact allows for tanks up to 10g so I'm willing to go slightly over but not past 15g. I have two additional questions...
1) Are there more versions known of these desktop tank from different companies?
2) Would piecing together a 10 or 15g tank be worth the extra money (the T-5 lighting plus filtration gets expensive)?
The Boarding contact allows for tanks up to 10g so I'm willing to go slightly over but not past 15g. I have two additional questions...
1) Are there more versions known of these desktop tank from different companies?
2) Would piecing together a 10 or 15g tank be worth the extra money (the T-5 lighting plus filtration gets expensive)?