Depending on your calcium and alkalinity uptake, which I'd imagine is pretty minimal, I would first try using a kalkwasser dip. You can either buy the LFS stuff or save some money buy pickling lime (not pickling salt or spices) from the grocery store or Walmart. Mrs. Wage's is a popular brand. If that doesn't meet the demand, a two-part supplement (ESV and Kent both make good ones) is probably your next most cost-effective solution. I'd imagine you'd only need to dose once a week on a softie tank.
Soft corals use little if any calcium or alkalinity, and water changes alone are usually sufficient. Your coraline will love you, though. Some soft coral keepers swear by iodine, but I never touch the stuff. It's easy to overdose, and I've been told by chemists that there's no reliable method in this hobby to test for all the different forms this ion can take (iodide, iodate, iodine, etc.). Strontium I believe is useful mainly for hard corals, but again, I never touch the stuff. I am a firm believer in magnesium supplementation, but that's because it's believed to help in the uptake of calcium, so for my soft coral tank, I do not dose it. All other trace elements will be replaced with your water changes.
So, very short answer (bet you wish you'd skipped to the bottom). . .you can more than likely get by with water changes only and no supplements. But if you do supplement, be sure to test for anything you supplement.