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I have had a couple of Different size tanks over the years and a bout a year ago we bought a 24g aquapod with the power compacts. we missed a few water changes and green hair algea started growing everywhere. so we moved the live rock about 8 pounds, the one fish we had a spotted watchman goby, and the 3 crabs we had left into a 10g tank. First we scrubbed the live rock to remove any algae. Then we started over we scrubbed the tank let it sit outside for several days to dry. My wifes thinking is that there was not enough filtration so we took out the filtration system, and added the marineland c-160 mulitstage cannister filter. I was not happy with the current from the original pump that came with the tank so I added maxi jet 1200 power head 290gph. The power head output is placed mid level in the tank on the left hand side, the filter is returned in the upper right hand corner, both of these have reduced flow due to the smaller black link and lock tubing that I used. Then we put the original pump back in were it was blowing up to keep the surface stirring. Then we put in 40lbs of carbisea live sand and premixed saltwater. we rescrubbed the live before putting it back in and also added 8 more lbs of live rock for a total of 16lbs we let it run for 2 weeks then added ten snails and ten hermit crabs. we gave the goby away because he liked to eat our snails and crabs. the tank has been up and going for about a month and a half we have added a green brittle star, lettuce sea slug, a cowrie snail??, and a red headed goby, waiting for atleast three months before we start to add some soft coral. we are changing 2-3 gallons of water a week, we top off when needed with ro water. Our coraline algae is growing like never before all over the live rock none on the glass or back but there is sone on the water inlets, there is still very few small patches of hair algae, but im not really worried about it, seems to be doing ok and the lettuce slug loves it. my question is do we have to much filtration is this filter going to bite me in the rear later down the road. and also do I have to much water flow its about 740gph thats about 30x. Any suggestions on my setup will be appriciated. Did not mean to write a book but have so many questions this is just the main two.
thank you


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There's not really any such thing as too much filtration. Going overkill means extra work for you trying to maintain the equipment, but it won't hurt your system.

The same is true for flow. As long as you don't have any animals in the direct path of a powerhead and the sand stays on the bottom, you can have as much flow as you like.
debt management


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The hair algae is growing every where. I have since removed the bioballs and carbon from the cannister and I added purigen and some sea gel from sea chem, also I reduced my lights to 7hrs on actnics and 5hrs on both bulbs. I noticed tonight that the algae is only growing on the rock and sand that is in direct light, no algae in the shadows. so am I correct in assuming that the light is what the algae is feeding mostly of off and not phospahtes and nitrates. I do weekly water changes from 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 gallons, no detectable nitrates of phosphates. I am scared to cut the lights down anymore due to my coral and anemone. do power compacts loose the intesity of their light? help please


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Not exactly, the algae needs the light to process the phosphates and nitrates. Its a two part equation- the algae needs light and nutrients to grow so if you get rid of one the algae stops growing.

What is in your tank right now? And how often do you clean the canister filter?


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What I have in my tank right now is
condy anemone
green star polyp
red headed goby
peppermint schrimp
green brittle star
blue, red and brown legged hermits
various snails

I clean the cannister weekly when i do my water changes.

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