Need detailed help how to set a small nano-tank (5-6g) for a non-photosynthetic corals:
- red Diodogorgia nodulifera,
- 3 kinds of chili coral,
- white lemnalia (ID questionable, sclerites inside the body, but not dendronephthya),
- what was left from pink scleronephthya,
- and could be babies of a sun coral, Tubastrea, or even the big colony (Tubastrea presence in this tank is under question).
The basic requirements are:
- simple and inexpensive,
- occupying the least amount of the space,
- be not 2-tiered, undrilled (therefore no additional equipment),
- filtration and skimming should be located so, that could de turned on and off; be easily accessible for a media change.
- something for reducing nitrates and phosphates. So far am not impressed with chaeto refugium of the equal size to the main tank (now Nano-cube 6g), and PhosGuard chemical media - one of the chili doesn't like it (could be coincidence).
- I also don't have access to a NSW, artificial salt mix in tap water only.
I'm trying to make a reasonable setup for these corals for a months, what I have works, but is high maintenance and requires frequent massive water changes, what is not good.
The more fully your advice covers all aspects, including on what kind of filtration is worth to try and what skimmer will do the job (and how to make it work ) - the better.
Most grateful mind waits for your input. :roll:
Any positive experience is welcome too.
P.S. At my disposal now are:
- Skimmers: ASM Mini, Visi-Jet, Lee's large CC.
- filtration: micron socks, filter floss, Purigen, PhosGuard, carbon, RowaPros is ordered, different sizes and brands of HOB power filters (no AC bigger than AC50, though), incl. Eheim Liberty for 50g.
- pumps and powerheads: Micro- , Mini- and Maxi-Jets (the lasts are least wanted - audible), AC20. Can move Eheim 300gph from another tank or use Ocean Runner, 600 gph, but now they seem to be big for a tank.
- small tanks and containers of different sizes (2.5-20g),
- IO salt, enriched by Ca and Mg.
- red Diodogorgia nodulifera,
- 3 kinds of chili coral,
- white lemnalia (ID questionable, sclerites inside the body, but not dendronephthya),
- what was left from pink scleronephthya,
- and could be babies of a sun coral, Tubastrea, or even the big colony (Tubastrea presence in this tank is under question).
The basic requirements are:
- simple and inexpensive,
- occupying the least amount of the space,
- be not 2-tiered, undrilled (therefore no additional equipment),
- filtration and skimming should be located so, that could de turned on and off; be easily accessible for a media change.
- something for reducing nitrates and phosphates. So far am not impressed with chaeto refugium of the equal size to the main tank (now Nano-cube 6g), and PhosGuard chemical media - one of the chili doesn't like it (could be coincidence).
- I also don't have access to a NSW, artificial salt mix in tap water only.
I'm trying to make a reasonable setup for these corals for a months, what I have works, but is high maintenance and requires frequent massive water changes, what is not good.
The more fully your advice covers all aspects, including on what kind of filtration is worth to try and what skimmer will do the job (and how to make it work ) - the better.
Most grateful mind waits for your input. :roll:
Any positive experience is welcome too.
P.S. At my disposal now are:
- Skimmers: ASM Mini, Visi-Jet, Lee's large CC.
- filtration: micron socks, filter floss, Purigen, PhosGuard, carbon, RowaPros is ordered, different sizes and brands of HOB power filters (no AC bigger than AC50, though), incl. Eheim Liberty for 50g.
- pumps and powerheads: Micro- , Mini- and Maxi-Jets (the lasts are least wanted - audible), AC20. Can move Eheim 300gph from another tank or use Ocean Runner, 600 gph, but now they seem to be big for a tank.
- small tanks and containers of different sizes (2.5-20g),
- IO salt, enriched by Ca and Mg.