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Hi all.
I have a 15g AGA set up. What im wondering is what kind of corals i can put into it with my lights. 24" 64W 10k50/50 Coralife. I dont expets to go with SPS but am hoping to Put at least one LPS in it as well as zoas' and Pulsing xenia. Will this work?

15 G AGA
15lbs. live fiji rock
10 aragonite
maxijet 400 (106 gph)
seaclone 100 skinmmer
75w enheim heater
64W 50/50


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sure that will work just fine. Some easy sps like brown montipora will work high up top in good flow as well. What do you plan on dosing as calcium and carbonate supplements? The kent nano tank additives are just fine as stand-alone dosers for that system and so is C-balance. Glad to have you here it's always nice to see a new member in our forum!


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Well, actually i havent thought about supplement so far. I was under the impression that weekly ewater changes would be sufficient to keep calcium levels up. It just so happens, today i was offered a bunch of free corals from my client who is getting out of reefing. there is a colony of zoas, colony of yellow polyps, a single polyp of some sort a LPS and a branchy type of SPS. also a single hermit and a single snail.
Lucky me. About $120 or so from my LFS. Also as much life rock as I want as well. I am concerned about the horrible hair algea on every thing. So to make a long story short.
Exactly what kind of KENT supplement do you recommend?
What can I do about the hair algea within reason without hurting the corals?
What do i do when there Is a single polyp attached to a five pound rock and I don't want the rock?
What can I do about the poor snail that has two inches of hair algea attached to his shell?


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Also......... I only have the Equivelant of about 150 GPH..Do you think i should put another low flow poer head in there to get to about 300 GPH?

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