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I have a 24g nano cube. I have read (and was told) that i needed more circulation, so i bought a CA 600 powerhead per LFS suggestion.The LFS told me to just "stick" it (with the provided suction cups) onto the side of the aqauarium. I have been reading a number of threads re:24g nano cubes cracking/breaking and even exploding! As a result, i was somewhat "squeemish" about sticking the pump on the glass<worried about vibration. I tried to stick it to the plastic divider (in the back) and the darn thing fell off a few times and blew sand everywhere.<It always seemed to do this everytime we were away! So, i finally just let it dangle and directed the flow toward the back of my live rock because otherwise, it was creating a maelstrom! I asked the LFS (again) about sticking the pump to the glass and they said there should "be no problem (and besides it's under warrenty.)" <yeah, but what about my carpeting etc.! They also claimed that none of their customers have had a problem. So, any suggestions about where and how to place it would be welcome. I read on one forum that someone had placed their powerhead in compartment #1 and directed it down toward the sponge but, i am not sure how that would help circulation.Maybe the powerhead is too much??Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks for your time.


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I feel certain the glass will not crack under that kind of use. Really, those individuals were dealing with defective or stressed materials. Maybe a certain lot of those aquariums were defective from the manufacturer and went out for sale, but we don't have any of them in my area because I know so many people with one...not a risk IMO

I stay in a pretty close circle of at least 50 aquarists around town and these guys trade and buy these items from LFS all the time, haven't even heard of an owner-initiated break much less a manufacturing one. (trying to set your mind at ease)

feel free to examine whether or not you actually need a powerhead. 9 times out of 10 the addition is okay, but I have a buddy with a 24dx stock that is working just fine with brain corals and various soft corals. Look for these biological and physical signs:

-polyp extension and waving indicating alternating currents
-surface scum layer and skimmate-like particulate matter that congregates on the fringes of the water line-- ideal current systems will distribute this matter all around the water column, spreading nutrients/O2 and carrying off wastes just like a human circulatory system. Undercirculated systems develop a thin scum/foam layer overtime around the edges that looks just like a miniature lake foam.
-Amount of structural interference in the aged system. Newer setups tend to have sparse reef structures (piles of live rock) unless the owner went gung-ho and filled it up upon initial build. The older a system gets, the more accumulated it gets with LR/coral frag additions and general growth, each of which deflects water and decreases laminar flow
-activity of the fish at early morning, if they are breathing heavier or congregating in the upper layers during the mornings (lowest 02 phase) then added circulation is an ideal addition.

What made them recommend the pump to you? Have fun we are glad you are here to discuss reef science with us. Welcome! Brandon M.


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Brandon. thanks for your quick reply. Am not sure whether they suggested it or i did. As i said, i heard that the stock pump is not very good. I think i will follow your advice and pull it<everybody was fine before that. I was thinking that in the future i would need it as i collect more corals. Right now, i have a pretty barren aquarium with just the 2 corals, 1 dottyback,1 cleaner shrimp, 1snail, 2 red legged hermits<told you i was moving slowly.! A lot of coral books emphasize water circulation.
I have another ?...calfo and fenner say that corals should be at least 6" away from other corals...so, how do people (many pictures that i've looked at) keep their corals healthy when they seem to be jam packed together? thanks, again..fran

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