Hi all,
I stumbled across this site and I must say, it looks loaded with some fine info. Much reading to do...
I am new to the marine lifestyle, having just purchased a Nano tank only a few days ago. I'm awed by reefs and marine biology, so I thought I would take the plunge.. on the nano scale.
I wanted to share some stats of my tank with you, as I'd love to hear your suggestions or words of caution during the newbie marine start-up process, as well as comments on what you feel it is capable of holding:
24 gallon Nano-Cube DX glass bow front (approx 20"x20"x20").
3 stage Carbon filter - 290 GPH submersible pump.
Two 36 watt 50/50 compact fluoresents (2" from water surface).
Two 60x60 mm fan cooled flip top canopy.
100 watt submersible heater.
(no protein skimmer)
I have a 3" mix of live sand and aragonite as my substrate.
26 lbs of live rock situated with circulation and light/shade areas in mind.
The fish store guy said it was ok to put the live rock in after a day of cycling, to which I did. It's the Fiji kind and looked like it had quite a bit of life on it upon purchase. A customer who was watching me pick rock samples said I scored good with respect to quality. Anyways, there seems to be loads of life emerging after a few days - to what they are called I have no idea. Everything from wiggly worms to spiny worms, to some sprouts of plant life, to tentacle flower things that hang onto the rocks, to feathery flower things that hang from the rock as well. My apologies for my lack of terminology...
My plan is to continue monitoring Ph, gravity, ammonia and nitrite, and conducting partial water changes every few days. From what I understand, once all of these are at the 'green light' level, I can introduce a hardy fish to take the cycling to the next level.
The long-term goal is to make it a reef tank with a couple of fish.
Would love to hear your thoughts on things I'm doing wrong, or should keep an eye on.
Would also like to hear about what types of corals I can one day get with the lighting I have. I hear terms like low, medium and high light types, and I'm just not sure what type my lighting can accomodate. I figure it is best to start researching now.
Sorry for the whack of questions and long post. New guy syndrome. :wink:
I stumbled across this site and I must say, it looks loaded with some fine info. Much reading to do...
I am new to the marine lifestyle, having just purchased a Nano tank only a few days ago. I'm awed by reefs and marine biology, so I thought I would take the plunge.. on the nano scale.
I wanted to share some stats of my tank with you, as I'd love to hear your suggestions or words of caution during the newbie marine start-up process, as well as comments on what you feel it is capable of holding:
24 gallon Nano-Cube DX glass bow front (approx 20"x20"x20").
3 stage Carbon filter - 290 GPH submersible pump.
Two 36 watt 50/50 compact fluoresents (2" from water surface).
Two 60x60 mm fan cooled flip top canopy.
100 watt submersible heater.
(no protein skimmer)
I have a 3" mix of live sand and aragonite as my substrate.
26 lbs of live rock situated with circulation and light/shade areas in mind.
The fish store guy said it was ok to put the live rock in after a day of cycling, to which I did. It's the Fiji kind and looked like it had quite a bit of life on it upon purchase. A customer who was watching me pick rock samples said I scored good with respect to quality. Anyways, there seems to be loads of life emerging after a few days - to what they are called I have no idea. Everything from wiggly worms to spiny worms, to some sprouts of plant life, to tentacle flower things that hang onto the rocks, to feathery flower things that hang from the rock as well. My apologies for my lack of terminology...
My plan is to continue monitoring Ph, gravity, ammonia and nitrite, and conducting partial water changes every few days. From what I understand, once all of these are at the 'green light' level, I can introduce a hardy fish to take the cycling to the next level.
The long-term goal is to make it a reef tank with a couple of fish.
Would love to hear your thoughts on things I'm doing wrong, or should keep an eye on.
Would also like to hear about what types of corals I can one day get with the lighting I have. I hear terms like low, medium and high light types, and I'm just not sure what type my lighting can accomodate. I figure it is best to start researching now.
Sorry for the whack of questions and long post. New guy syndrome. :wink: