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Wade, I wish you would have brought this up a month ago... :evil:


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Don't talk to me about it! Its entirely podman's idea! :)

*delegates blame as well as responsibility*


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I thought this was totally seperate idea from Podmans..Besides, I was just pulling yer leg :wink:


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doh! 8O

most of us already have a nano system running. why would i start a new one?
my system is 3 months old, i have plenty existing documentation and am not going for a new tank anytime soon ...




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Antoine LM
The point is that this is a competition to start from the beginning. We want everyone to start on even footing, within the same parameters in order to apply some personal opinions regarding health and overall look of that system (ie- judging).

Its not to have just one more tank really, it is more competition based. We are hoping to see a great deal of innovation resulting from this!


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The rules to not mention if the nano can be plumbed into an existing system for filtration. Is this allowed or must the nano be a closed system?


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Hm, I thought we included that.

The nano must be a standalone system. I guess you would say it is inferred in the total volume calculation. Anything connected to the nano adds into the total volume (plumbing aside and that must be 1" or less).


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Not really minus volume of plumbing, but we just don't count it. But yes, you are correct sir. (maam?)


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OK, I know we said in previous messages that competition discussion was to take place in this forum (nano's) but can we get a common post sticky thread in the build-off category please? Many people in the nano forum may not care about our banter between each other and they may also not care to be flipping back and forth between the nano category and the build-off category when reading about the progress of their favorite tank.

Just whining I guess, but thought it might be a good idea.... :oops:


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I went ahead and stickied this topic. I'm interested in watching you guys banter ;)


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Matt out of curiosity, you have the deadline for registration on April 30, yet you say the tank needs to be operational by April 30? So if you register in the nick of time you need to be filled and ready to go on that date as well??


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That is correct. The tank must have water in it on April 30 at the latest. We did that for a couple of reasons, the largest of which is that we want to base this competition on health/growth/maintenance of a nano system. We don't want someone buying 12 acanthastrea and putting them into a shiny white tank and trying to pass that off as their entry.

There are a couple of other reasons, but in the end, that is the way the rules were written.



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Alrighty Wade sound fair enough to me.

Btw another clarification, it mentions tubing volume is excluded, must remain 1" or less diamter & be short as possible distance. Is this the requirement for the volume to be excluded? Or a requirement in general?


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Its a requirement as written. We didn't want anyone expanding their nano tank volume by adding 3" piping into the system.



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Ah ok, I was thinking of using some piping to make a sump of sorts, then count that as part of the total volume, no biggy though I've changed directions (and yes I haven't registered yet because I want to make sure I can build my tank :)).

Out of curiosity is there just a single winner? or is there multiple catagories?
Heck I'd like multiple catagories even if its strictly for the bragging rights of saying "I had the most unique tank design" :)


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I have a question about the rules that needs a bit of clarification please

Systems must be filled and operational by April 30, 2005.

Does this mean the system just needs to have saltwater and be ready to run on this date?

Or does it mean it needs to have all pumps you plan on using, skimmer, filtration, substrate(if any) rock, & water, basically everything except livestock?


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Raskal had some trouble and needed to remove corals to get the tank healthy again. I don't see anything in the rules that says this forfeits the entry.

I think that since this is a learning adventure all situations are important from an informational aspect. In my opinion Raskal should still be able to compete.

What say the referees?

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