ok well now i was wondering how to insrease the amount of light for the JBJ nano cube. will it require me taking the lid apart and installing more lights and getting a new modified mirror or can i just replace the bulb to get better results? i am fine with keeping mainly polyps and mushrooms but i would also like a few otherthings like tree corals or torch corals and if ever possible a small clam. i really would like to have something the clown gobies could swim and play in to add to the excitement of the tank. another thing is i am liking a lot of the pics i see on the internet of mushrooms and polyps and zoos - their colors are amazing - but my LFS has a tendency to only get brown and dark greenish brown polyps and stuff in. he says he cant control the color he gets but i dont want to fill my tank with something i will not enjoy so i was wondering where and how do these people get the colorful ones? i have never ordered anything off the internet but if it will make a difference and it it is safe for the corals i will try to do that. any info will help - thanks wayne