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I went back home for vacation, and upon returning I found my mystery wrasse had made carpet jerky of himself, despite my tight fitting eggcrate lid. I am pretty bummed... I don't know how he could have found a way out. Well, now I'm looking for ideas for a new "centerpiece". It's an 18g, so advise accordingly... The only other inhabitants are a firefish and 2 cleaner shrimp. Perhaps another cool wrasse? Help...


8O THAT SUCKS. :( :(

Sorry man. Expensive carpet jerky. Would he fit through the holes if he hit it right on? Strange that he would even jump in the first place. No other aggressive fish to bother him, he'd gotten used to the tank, and it wasn't like you were there to spook him. Was somebody feeding him, maybe forget to put the top back on or something?

I think a flasher wrasse would be really cool. Get a pair. Should work really well with the firefish.

This could work too...
http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod ... pCatId=456

I know you like pygmy angels. Smallest of the bunch, and this one is actually pretty tough to find, despite the cheap price. Their pic doesn't do it justice.


Yeah, man... SUCKS big time... R.I.P. Four-eyes.

I think it was actually stress induced suicide. My top off ran out of water, and I was about 2 gallons evaporated, so my salinity must have been through the roof. I actually count my self lucky, since the whole tanks wasn't crapped out. I have to find something with >10 gallons for top off when I leave town for extended periods. The weather was unusually warm, so I must have burned through the fresh water super fast. Anyways, I may actually wait for another mystery wrasse, but am also looking for an alternative.

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