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I have a 12g nano cube with 6lbs live rock and one percula and was wondering if i could get away with another perc and a crab or shrimp(though i would rather have another perc and would ditch these first) and some zoos or other soft coral. Ant suggestions? Could this work?


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It seems to me the general fishy wisdom is if you are gonna have 2 percs, pick a mated pair, or the biggest ans smallest when you get them, then add them at the same time.

Dunno how well it will go with one perc who already thinks she owns the tank.


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Percs and ocellaris are pretty mellow as far as pairing. Some other clowns are a bit different...

You can probably just add any juvenile percula to the tank and expect a pairing. It will help if one is larger than the other, but IME it doesn't matter much.

As for shrimp, any species in the Lysmata genus should be a great addition. There aren't many truly reefsafe crabs (I don't consider Mithrax and hermits reefsafe) that are easy to keep, so I would skip that for now.


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I'd Go with Matt's suggestion. He has been doing this alot longer than me. I can just parrot what I have read.


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You could add it now or later. There's really no rush. I would err on the side of caution and add it in a month or two, let your tank handle the increased bioload. I just added a eensy teeny tiny juvenile ocellaris (very closely related to perculas) to a tank with a large female that had been set up for years. They swim right toward each other like they're best chums from the get go. If you can find two with a size difference, great, but it's really not crucial with these species.

I'm assuming you've had this tank up and running for a month or two right?


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no actually its been like 2 weeks-ish thought my LFS tested the water and said the levels were great so i was told i could introduce a fish


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a reef safe crab would be a porcelain anemone crab...Neopetrolisthes maculatus..its a filter feeder so it wont prey on anything in your tank :D


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reefkeeper62188":1qdoldp9 said:
no actually its been like 2 weeks-ish thought my LFS tested the water and said the levels were great so i was told i could introduce a fish

Yikes! You really should not be adding any livestock during the first month IMO, regardless of what your LFS says. They're trying to sell ya fish, remember?;)

Definitely hold off on that second perc, and take the one you have back now if they'll take it. You can always find these clowns later, they're common. In the meantime, let your tank cycle another two weeks. This hobby demands patience....

LN is correct about porcelains being reef safe, but they're a bit tricky to keep and feed correctly. I would hold off until you've got some more experience under your belt.


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ok i understand all of what you told me. Im not gonna take the fish back because he seems to be doing fine (hes eating). but regarless of age of tank a 12g JBJ nano cube could handle 2 percs and some coral. right?


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can anyone answer? just to be sure, my live rock is it a place i dont like and prolly need more so would it just be a better idea to add the new perc after i rearrange the LR so the exhisting perc doesnt recognize the tank as home?


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That old gag..IME that doesnt seem to make the dif..if it is aggressive its gonna be aggressive...you can always try that though..you never know...if you are gonna add another perc..do it know more so than later..especially if it is a juvenile clown..


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wait time for the anemone..not for the beginner and matt will concur with me on this..regardless of lighting an established aquarium is also needed for these fragile guys to survive in captivity...


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I believe so..its 24W PC...if anything check the Mods you can do to the JBJ nano cube..you can upgrade the lighting and even add another ballast/lighting...talk to a member on here by the name of Hwarang..he could show ya...


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Mod it yourself...I assure you it shouldnt be too hard..like i said PM Hwarang..he would be more than happy to help...you outta see his 12 nano cube...

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