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i just bought a the new jbj nanocube with the protein skimmer and 50/50 bulbs. i am looking to find out what i can keep in it. i was thinking of maybe 2 common clowns, 2 banggai cardnialfish, or possibly 1 Carcharodon carcharias (allthough i think feeding it could be difficult) i have not seen anyone keeping cardnilfish in a nano in this forum maybe not a good idea. i was wondering what kind of corals i could possibly keep in this set up, maybe an anenome? i am not sure if the lighting that comes with this tank is sufficient? also cleaning crew what kind of crabs,snails or shrimp? how many should i buy? i know i am getting ahead of myself. my cube will not arrive until friday, but i am trying to plan out my tank so that when everything is cycled i will have my critters lined up.

starting to get really excited
thanks for all your help
dan :lol:


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sorry fo rhte double post but i forgot something

i have seen in a past thread someone here that makes oak hoods for the nanocube looks cool how can i get more info.
i would like to make the most of my nano and give my critters the best chance at a good life.


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thanks for the help again
i went to the shop you told me about last night
the guys name is aaron he runs it out of his garage pretty nice set up. has a lot of fish and corals. he was very nice and helpful. worth a stop if you are driving through the area.

my cube arrives tomorrow getting excited now
he had a couple of fish i was interested in i think i am going to put in about 15 lbs lr and a 20 lb bag of live black argonite sand. the fish i was thinking of are a small 1" false percula clown and a yasha hase goby that is paried up with a shrimp. i was really neat watching the two of them work together. aslo i will be adding a mix of soft corals and around ten snails and crabs.
what do you think
i am getting ready to email about the canopy now
thanks again


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The new JBJ nanocube has a built in protein skimmer??? If so then I should have waited. I see they doubled the lighting and added cooling fans but I did not see no skimmer? Just curious


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This is the 24 gallon, right? If so, I think a pair of A. percula and a Yasha goby would make excellent tankmates. You may even consider adding a fire or dartfish to that mix, or some other small goby.


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no, i didnt buy the 24 gal. just the 12 i wasnt planning on putting in a pair of clowns just one and the yasha plus his little shrimp buddy. i was afraid that a pair plus the yasha would be too much bioload. they are juvys just about 1/2in or so.

the protien skimmer is nothing fancy it looks like a air vent on the sponge side of the filter. just so the top of the water drains off into the sponge. newreefer if you look on nano-reef.com someone has posted good pics of the new skimmer.

thanks for the comments going to pickup the rock and sand tonight getting excited now


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Sorry, lost track of the thread somehow..

Yeah, sounds awesome.. - I wouldn't go with a pair of percs myself either.. - Just the one could actually get to be a little cramped for it but it'll be a while down the road yet I'm sure.

I need to get on my cube and get things started with it.. - Been using it as a LR holding tank for a couple months now.

Good deal Matt... - I may have to get with you yet.. - Think you can make one that could fit a 250w DE?

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