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Just thought I'd share a little price breakdown of the new 15H in the works at Casa de Phobos (myhouse..lol). I was just doing the budgeting and thought I'd share:

15H tank: $30
DIY Stand/hood: $100
Reflector/New bulb for my 400w MH: $100
Custom overflow: $70
Mag 9.5 pump: $70
SCWD: $40
Plumbing supplies: $200
Miscellaneous new tools/supplies: $150
LR: $150

Total: $910

Bear in mind..this doesn't include any of the stuff I already have (MH ballast, skimmer, heater, powerheads, sand, salt, water, etc etc etc) and doesn't include any livestock. Just thought I'd toss this out there so that people can see that even the "little" end of reefing isn't cheap.



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If it was a larger tank just think how much you would have to spend..no one says its cheap, just cheaper..I have a 3/4 gal pico tank...29.99 already have salt, sand, macros, LR.....ive spent a few G's on my 20 though..thats including everything (livestock,equipment, ect) past and present....


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I managed to get away for about $300 for my 10 gallon. I have to admin, I am running sumpless and (god forbid) skimmerless. I do large waterchanges every week though, and proly spend more time on maintenance than I would have to otherwise.

I am still suprised at how fast the tank stablized. I am just starting to add corals.


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You don't even want to know how much money I dumped into my Nanocube. That thing is now worth its weight in gold. FFS!


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Yeah, i hear ya Hwarang...i run MH lighting and have a good skimmer (Bak Pak 2r)..both of those combined are nearly 500 dollars...plus i just spent another 150 on some sps frags not to mention the last year and a half with upgrades and livestock...


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I had to quit taking a running total for my upgrade to a 20 gal. Since I'm not exactly working right now seeing how much cash I've spent on this hobby can be upsetting.

(However, I did clean out my change jar to the total of $143. so there's the cash for my lights. . .)



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I don't ever run skimmers or sumps on nanos - it's a waste of money IMO. Water changes are just too easy.



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I like running sumps on nanos for 2 reasons:

1)"The solution to pollution is dilution"...gives me wider margin of "error" lol

2) Nano displays are small enough as is, I don't like them being overcrowded with powerheads, heaters, etc. Just gives a cleaner look.

But you're right Jim, you very well can run them on w/c's alone..that brings back fond memories of my first 10gal..lol.



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I run a power filter on the back with the media removed for circulation, (less space used than a power head) and the heater is always hidden behind the rocks.

I know a guy who had a 10 gallon nano, and a 55 gallon sump. :lol: :lol:


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I think Julian Sprung used to run a 15 with a 60 sump. And I know..you can do a good job of hiding things..but you can't hide those damned power cords!! lol. And theres no way I can get enough flow on a 15H running just a HOB filter...just can't be done.

Besides...what fun is "simple" when you can have complicated?? lol ;)



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I got a 10 gal rectangle, 2 20w 50/50 mini compacts, a power filter, and one cheap powerhead. I used to run an airstone, but the fishys like it better without it, and I think the powerfilter agitates the water enough at the surface for good gas exchange.

And everyone said Nanos are hard. Bah!

Just gotta look out for swings I guess.


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you know with your Power filter, you can turn that into a nice fuge..put some sand some LR and some Macro algae in there and viola! a HOB fuge with the same amount of water flow...ive done this with my mantis tank and my pico tank..its great for nutrient exportation and the overall bio filtration you get out of it...Youre right, i wouldnt say nanos are harder, just need a little more attention, especially at first...you have less water volume and room for error


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I have been playing with the idea of puting macros in the display to act as sort of an in-tank fuge.

How would it work for water polishing if I did turn it into a fuge?


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Right now I run activated carbon, and double dose trace elements. I know activated carbon pulls these out, but it also has taken care of my phosphate problem, and diatomes only apear in a small no-flow corner of the tank


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alfbennett":pyou7yuy said:
Right now I run activated carbon, and double dose trace elements. I know activated carbon pulls these out, but it also has taken care of my phosphate problem, and diatomes only apear in a small no-flow corner of the tank

Sorry, but carbon has been shown to have no ability to remove phosphates from the water column.


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then I am sadly mistaken. However, the diatomes disapeared shortly after running it. besides, it realy does a good job of polishing the water.

I did look at a couple of the posts that showed a fuge in a power filter, and thought it was prety cool. I have not decided to get that inventive though.

I finally saw the long awaited hair algea just shortly after posting the earlier message though. I think this time I will not freak out, and maybe do a little reading, and perhaps add sumpin to eat it.


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For god's sake man, don't put macro in the display, you'll never get it out..lol. I made that little mistake on my first 10gal and I regretted it when I tried to remove it. I've also (in the past) used the Aquaclear Mod (on an AC300) and I think I actually had more luck growing little yellow sponges, pods, and snails in the HOB fuge than the macro..lol. That and filamentous algae on the overflow..which I actually left for a little while as whenever I'd stop the Aquaclear the hair algae would literally continue to wriggle because of all the pods living in it.

Anyway..I'm just rambling..lol. I prefer nice complex systems anyway..lol.


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