Well, after 3 weeks of just letting the tank settle down, and doing regular water changes, I decided to re-invest some in the 10g nano here at work.
I'll put up some pics tomorrow, but for now it's looking infintely better. I took out some of the rock so more sand was exposed, and put a few corals in there from home. Tomorrow I'll add the baby ocellaris (1") pair and a few mushroom rocks from work or something, then wait and see how it goes.
Just wanted to let y'all know I was back in the ring after the big crash. I added a small powerhead just in case the filter quits on me again. At least this way I'll have some water movement and things won't stagnate like they did when the tank crashed over Memorial weekend.
I'll put up some pics tomorrow, but for now it's looking infintely better. I took out some of the rock so more sand was exposed, and put a few corals in there from home. Tomorrow I'll add the baby ocellaris (1") pair and a few mushroom rocks from work or something, then wait and see how it goes.
Just wanted to let y'all know I was back in the ring after the big crash. I added a small powerhead just in case the filter quits on me again. At least this way I'll have some water movement and things won't stagnate like they did when the tank crashed over Memorial weekend.