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i have a nano(40L) with only a xenia and a clark clownfish. I add a new actinodiscus(mushroom) and now the xenia is not doing well??? the actinodiscus is ok. What is wrong ?



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Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think the shroom should pose any problem with your xenia..

What exactly is the xenia doing? - Have there been any other changes like equipment (lighting) or pump/powerhead placement, rock placement?


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Agreed GratefulDiver...Highly doubtful, if not improbable a mushroom would hurt a xenia if properly spaced from eachother...check water parameters and keep an eye on the clown..I have a Clark that likes to live in my xenia since i dont have an anemone....


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Amadeum: If your Xenia is dying i would love to know the cause. I got xenia in my tank growing like crazy and i getting tired of prunning it at least once a week.
Death to Xenia!!


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if you dont like the xenia, just get rid of it completely..plenty of FNG's on here that would love xenia


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Maybe not point-specific help, but at least it's a few xenia-related observations:

1. I have had xenia recession when I topped off too heavily and dropped sg sufficiently to stress a xenia colony while others seemed to fare ok.

2. I have had xenia stress when adding my supplements at the end of my nano's lighting period as opposed to the beginning. I infer this is because sytemic pH will be highest at the peak point of photosynthetic activity, so adding Alk supports at this time puts one at a higher risk of precipitation episodes as well as an increased risk for pH shock to the inhabitants. In my observations, calcium and alk should be strictly added in the morning and never in the evening in picos and nanos.

3. I have had xenia colonies shrivel up blue for none of these reasons; they just receded for some unknown variable, the opposite effect of this (these) variable(s) is what Apophis is going through at this time! :?


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Looks like i am going to have to keep cutting xenia out from now on. problem is i have a colt coral and it seems to thrive under the exavct same condsitons that xenia thrive under. I want to keep the colt soinc eit was my first coral lived thru all my "newbie mistakes" numerous lighting and dosing changes. With a mixed reef it apears that the condtions i set to keep everyone happy also keep my xenia going strong. I have noticesd since i swithced to VHO my xeina really is out of control. I cut xenai more than i do water changes!! Is there any reef safe animal that eat xenai? when the colony was young my pep shrimsp would nimble on it but now they just ignore it.


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Why aren't you setting up shop on eBay for the stuff if you have to trim it out so often?


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contray to popuplar belief e-bay is not the answer to every problem. :wink: Besides i know i perosnally would not buy any live stock off ebay beyond a few macro algea.and selling on ebay means packing shipping and then dealing with complaints from unsatidified or disohoinest customers. not into going thru the arrive alive garentees or replcement for lost live stock in transit. $$ is not a problem so there is no need for me to go thru the drama pf selling it. the goal is to reduce the headache of this xenia. I want to STOP its growth period.


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elling on ebay means packing shipping and then dealing with complaints and (other nasty stuff)

Exactly. Just trade it to your LFS. They won't give you a great deal, but hey, it's something and it involves very little work.


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Hwarang: Great idea! my LFS wont pay cash but they do give credit for animal trade ins. some of their animals are pricy but they are have a fantiastic selectionand quality livestock. Plus they are family owned which is one of the main reasons i go to theme ven though shopping on the web might be cheaper at times. Thankds for the "knock on the head" :wink:


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LordNikon if you read the post you would know I dont want the hassle and drama of bagging packing, heat packs, cold packs. etc etc. and shipping along with complaints if the animals dies in transit or does not live long enough according to the recepients definition. with my LFS a short 10 minute drive and the deal is done.


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ok thats fine...you can still put it up for sale on frags.org and do pick up only...how much xenia do you think the LFS will want you bringing in weekly, bi weekly? you'll have to look into that...are you part of a club in florida? donate it to a club, you might not get money, but it supports the club/industry....


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thats a good point Nikon. You can bet i will be giving it away. i don't enjoy just flushing it i feels like a murder of conveinence. Now if i can write off the this donated zenai off my taxes i'll be in fat city.
Good thing about xenai opnce a nwebie sees it they go for it cuz of the pulsing movement. just like when i saw got my first aptisia i actuallly fed it. Had a tank of live rock and one aptiaisa. I wont make that mistake again.!! xenia in my book is aptiasa that doesn't sting. :mrgreen:

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