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Looking to give my wife a 6 gal eclipes nano for her desk (home office). I am not looking to do SPS, just soft corals and maybe a fish or two. While I could do a 5-10 gal sump I would like to avoid that if possible.

Recommondation on corals?

Recommondation on fish(es)?

Recommondation on lighting retrofit?

Options on plumbing? Sump?



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Here is my suggestion:

(ps I've never done an eclipse so it's i suggest something that's not practical .. eh, live with it :) ... )

1. Any kind of shrooms, leather toadstools, xenia, green star polyps, sponges, and perhaps one easy LPS if you get good lighting. I keep all that and a blastomussa and a hammer coral in my nanocube

2. yellow clown gobies, any kind of firefish ... ? basically anything small and not territorial.

3. just stick with PC lights and throw as much as you can in the hood ... two fixtures etc if you can for around 40-60watts.

4. hang a hagen aquaclear 300 HOB filter off the back and use it for a fuge. put in a mini impeller for reduced flow and add the surface skimmer attachment

5. post some pix!

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