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What do you guys all think of the addition of a 6 line wrasse? I was at my LFS and they had a few that were about 1.25" or 1.5" long. How are there mentality? I have never had one before. Of course the LFS told me he would be fine in my tank but I would like to know what everyones opinions are.

Just so you know. I have a nano cube w/ 1 percula clown.


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As far as size of the aquarium, I don't have any advice. However, I have a 6 line and he is a model citizen of the tank. Not aggressive and constantly on the move. I like the fact that he swims the whole tank and darts in and out of the rocks instead of just hovering in open water. I highly recommend these fish.


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Great little fish, had one in my 75 for 2 years before a tank crash did him in. Only negative, say goodbye to your pod population, mine reduced the 75's pod level quite decently, in a nano I think they would be all but eliminated. Just be sure to have plenty of LR for them to swim around and through.


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I kept one in my 10g hex nano for about 5 months. He was the best addition to the tank! Great personality. Swam everywhere. Wasn't very skittish. He should do fine in your tank. However, they are great hunters and will eat all your visible pods. You can take a look at mine on my old thread if you'd like... http://reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t ... highlight=




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thanks for the info, UnderGrad. I would assume that you had no problems between the fire gobi and the wrasse? If so that is good news. I think that I will pick one up this weekend.

Thanks again.


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No problems whatsoever with the firefish. I even noticed him exhibiting some cleaning behavior on my Bicolor Blenny on occasion. I'm sure he would still be fat and happy today if my GFCI hadn't tripped while I was away one weekend :( ...


simon w

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Just to say ihave kept the 6lw for around a year. Very pleased with him. Total character, peaceful and hardy. Highly recommended.


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not very good with firefish, they are actually well known to pick on them, after putting my 6line in to fight a flatworm problem, he ate all the pods and harassed the firefish to no end, even took a couple bites from their tails. IME they are a bit too active for any tank smaller than a 15 or 20 gallon.


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i have a 6-line and a firefish together and they have never seemed to have a problem. love the 6-line though, always on the move.

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