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I just place a maroon clown in my newly cycled tank. He looked very happy for the first day then the whole second day he just sat in the bottom corner of the tank. I checked my water parameters and they seem to be ok with my ammo. 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, and PH 7.8. He's not dead yet be somtimes he swims sideways. I also noticed a lighter coloration around the edge of his fins. Is it beause i dont have an anenome and he has no place to hang out? What is my problem???? PLEase HELP!!!! I dont want to be a FISH KILLER!!! :oops:


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Mike, you're spittin' distance from me (my sis lives in La Mirada, too). Without having a hospital/quarantine system, if this trouble is disease it's going to be difficult to treat.

Know this, the fish is NOT sick or behaving oddly because it has no anemone. We could use a bit more information, too. What brand kits do you use? How long has the tank been set up? Where and how did you get the fish? What other signs do you see (physical symptoms)?

Lots of other stuff for us to know.

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