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I realize this isn't really just a nano question per se, but it IS a nano, so here goes:

I have a JBJ Nanocube and I just added the cleaner crew two weekends ago. (1 fire shrimp, 1 anemone crab, 3 blue leg hermits, 1 turbo snail, 2 astrea snails) There is a whole ton of algae growing so I haven't really been adding any food at all until I thought my fire shrimp (Prometheus) might need some grub. Twice I've added tiny pinches of freeze dried brine shrimp. The first time he came out immediately but not too far from his hiding place behind the live rock. The second time (about three days later), he came out immediately again but came straight out into the light to feed for a good five minutes.

I'm not planning to put in my first fish for a couple weeks so how often should I feed my fire shrimp?

Also... as if this post weren't long enough, I really want to get a purple firefish as my first fish, but I've heard if you have bristleworms, they will kill your firefish. Is there any way for me to determine if I even have any bad bristleworms?

Thanks everyone for your help!


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Hi OT!
Welcome to RDO!

Fire shrimp can go for awhile w/o food, but ideally you should feed them at least every other day. I feed my shrimp daily, and they spawn regularly. I'm not sure if you can easily pair fire shrimp or not. If so, you should get a second one. Lysmata shrimps tend to be a bit less shy when in groups.

I can guarantee you that the most common bristleworms will not kill firefish. I can see approximately 100-150 bristleworms when glancing at my tank in plain view. I can't even begin to estimate how many there might be in total. Unless the firefish is dying already, I don't see it happening.

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