I'm getting ready to set-up a new nano and would like to hear the thoughts and ideas that you all will undoubtedly have to offer. I bought an 18 gallon acrylic tank from the "Acrylicman" on EBAY and started brain storming on things to alter so that it would meet my expectations. It came with 2 2X18 PC lights kits in the hood. I will list below the set-up I have planned in my mind, please ask away and make suggestions, also keep in mind this is my first post although I have been reading and following the forums well over six months on this site.
18 gal tank(3 gal of which is the filter section in the back)
72W PC
1W LED Moonlight
Venturi Skimmer
Small chiller
HOB refugium w/13watt Jalli light
50 watt heater
The intent is to set the tank up with LR, LS, soft corals(Zoo's, shroom, polyps, etc.....), handfull of small fish(2 Clarki's, a watchman goby, and clown goby), and the standard reef cleaning crew of hermits, snails, serpent star, pistol shrimp, and maybe a cuke(never had one and I'm curious). The one thing I'm concerned about is flow in the tank. For those of you who are familiar with these tanks the stock outflow is from the right side of the back wall about the middle of tank height wise. I'm not certain what type of plumping acces., if any, I should place on the output to control and adjust the flow.
I humbly place myself at your feet and I am ready to receive...........
18 gal tank(3 gal of which is the filter section in the back)
72W PC
1W LED Moonlight
Venturi Skimmer
Small chiller
HOB refugium w/13watt Jalli light
50 watt heater
The intent is to set the tank up with LR, LS, soft corals(Zoo's, shroom, polyps, etc.....), handfull of small fish(2 Clarki's, a watchman goby, and clown goby), and the standard reef cleaning crew of hermits, snails, serpent star, pistol shrimp, and maybe a cuke(never had one and I'm curious). The one thing I'm concerned about is flow in the tank. For those of you who are familiar with these tanks the stock outflow is from the right side of the back wall about the middle of tank height wise. I'm not certain what type of plumping acces., if any, I should place on the output to control and adjust the flow.
I humbly place myself at your feet and I am ready to receive...........