I have an old cannister filter lying around and was toying with the idea of filling it with LR (only, no marco) and using it as extra filtration for my 10g nano.
The cannister is a good size and I reckon I can get about 10-15lbs of LR in there, but there would be no light. Will the LR still be an efficient biological filter in total darkness?
The cannister itself is transparent,, if a small amount of light is needed I could hang one of those Power Compact work lights (13w 6700k) that cost $9.99 at Walmart next to it.
Thanks in advance
The cannister is a good size and I reckon I can get about 10-15lbs of LR in there, but there would be no light. Will the LR still be an efficient biological filter in total darkness?
The cannister itself is transparent,, if a small amount of light is needed I could hang one of those Power Compact work lights (13w 6700k) that cost $9.99 at Walmart next to it.
Thanks in advance