My husband and I just set up his 10g nano (standard AGA 10 gallon glass tank). The tank has a prism on it for skimming, about seven pounds of live rock, and a half inch of crushed coral for the substrate. No fish are in this system right now. Current inhabitants are a red/brown mushroom coral, my caribbean ricordia was evac'd from my 75 to be saved from hair algae and we have a red sea xenia in there and a few ceriths and a nerite snail. He'd like to include some zoos and possibly a tree leather, if he can get away with it.
Currently, the tank is lit with a pair of 15 watt compact fluorescent bulbs that are designed for freshwater planted tanks (not reef quality lighting IMO). We're looking into other lighting options and would really like to stick with pc's. A self-contained hood system would be ideal, but what are our options at this size?
Thanks much!
Currently, the tank is lit with a pair of 15 watt compact fluorescent bulbs that are designed for freshwater planted tanks (not reef quality lighting IMO). We're looking into other lighting options and would really like to stick with pc's. A self-contained hood system would be ideal, but what are our options at this size?
Thanks much!