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hey guys its my first post here, hows it goin?
i used to have a 35 gallon reef setup with a prizm (barf) and some power compacts, ive been moving a lot and am over trying to deal with it, its been parted and givin away

i want to get one of these new nano 12g dealies, and am wondering what the best setup for it is. either power compacts or a small metal hallide setup? or is the tank to small for them and itll cook? cause i dont want to go the chiller route. if you do power compacts can they fit in the origonal housing or do you need to retrofit?

also does the filtration system come out? if so does it take the jet with it if you do this? i of course wanna do a skimmer, dont think i wanna do a sump, whats the best skimmer for it, i dont want the piece prizm one either, something small and out of the way?

thanks a lot for any help.


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I had a nano around that size a year ago and lit it with a metal halide (first a single 70W DE, then a 150W medium-socket Iwasaki). I really think halides are the way to go but only if you can properly cool the tank. This either means you need a chiller (small ones start at $100 to $250) or by placing the halides high enough so heat is disappated. PCs will do just fine for your size tank and may be the simplier/better option. However, I'm not sure what the hood setup looks like with the nano you're describing. Usually, multiple PCs won't fit into stock hoods.

Which 12g system are you referring to? If you have a link, that'd help a lot.

For a nano, honestly almost every skimmer out there will do a respectable job. A Prism might be wholly inefficient for a larger tank, but it'll work just fine for a nano and actually has one of the smaller "footprints" in the tank. A PM-HOT-1 and Remora are simply too big for a 12 gallon and the air-driven internal skimmers take up a good deal of space inside the tank. A CPR bakpak is an option but is also on the large side.

You could go without a skimmer and do a lot of water changes ;) The beauty of a 12 gallon is the simplicity of water changes.


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I second those notions Len. I do think you are referring to the JBJ nano cube, so popular nowadays correct? If so, the current models come with sufficient PC lighting as Matt W has a fine 12g setup, nonskimmed, and has not changed the stock lighting. 24w 50/50 IIRC>good for many corals.

I say let your test kits speak, you would be suprised what substantial surface area (say 15 lbs of LR in your new tank) and current will do for a lightly-stocked nano (low fish bioload, manageable feeding/water-change regimen). If your nitrates can stay somewhere around 15-30 ppm (a great reef at my friend's house stays at 50 and looks fine) and you have zero ammonia and nitrites, your long-term health will center around your water change schedule as this is the export mechanism for your nitrates should you choose to go skimmerless. Me personally, Id take the $200 skimmer cost and buy $200 worth of stock.

I wouldn't panic about nitrate levels but do shoot for as low as possible, algae outbreaks are the worst consequence of an improperly-balanced nano in terms of NO3, current, export and bioloading.


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I think some folks have added another 24W PC bulb to the JBJs. I have mushrooms and some xenia in mine. The xenia is not exactly taking off, but the mushrooms are dividing.

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