I need advice re:filter. curently I have bio life wet/dry filter on my 20 g tank.my nitrate is high.I was told it is becouse biocore and ceramic prefilter rocks.
Wright now I cant spend any more $$$,I do have fluva 2 internal power,
filter. If i take sponge from my biolife and put it in fluval will that be ok.
I had some bad expirience with changing filter media all at once(amonia and nitrite spiked up and killed almost everything).
flow rate on fluval is 400 gph.will I be ok with that.i do have skimmer as well.
I need advice re:filter. curently I have bio life wet/dry filter on my 20 g tank.my nitrate is high.I was told it is becouse biocore and ceramic prefilter rocks.
Wright now I cant spend any more $$$,I do have fluva 2 internal power,
filter. If i take sponge from my biolife and put it in fluval will that be ok.
I had some bad expirience with changing filter media all at once(amonia and nitrite spiked up and killed almost everything).
flow rate on fluval is 400 gph.will I be ok with that.i do have skimmer as well.