I running a small power head in the back compartment with the tube running over the divider wall. The flow is medium but just enough to make a little counter current in the tank and make some movement on the surface. I also am running a small air stone in the back under about 15 or so bio balls. I don't know if this is doing much but I figured it would at least help gas exchange. Currently I'm running stock lighting and everything is loving it.
i'd like to see a shot of the stand too. the presentation of a nano tank is also fun, and i would like to see other ppl's ideas on that. i used a stand that puts my nano at eye level and draped two complimentary colored cloths over them perpendicular style.
It is a very very very light starved, (Because it is so dark brown in the pictures), finger leather. Specifically I am leaning towards the blushing finger leather.
I bought the piece from a LFS which was keeping them in a tank covered by MH lights. I had my eye on the corals for over a week and the brown color is normal. The coral has been growing and seems happy so I don't think it is starving from light. The coral has been in my tank for almost 2 months. I have seen some pretty amazing things kept in these little nanos with stock lighting.
You're right about it being a blushing leather coral. Thanks
I was wondering why my LR is turning a slight green color on top? I have been using distilled water for my water changes. I change out about 3/4 of a gallon a week. My lights are on for about 10 hours. Nitrates and Ammonia are great and salt is at 1.024. PH8.2. Temp 81. Calcium 410