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Hello fellow reefers :) I have the opportunity to buy a used prizm(used for a week) and I'm wondering if I should do so or not. I am looking for a skimmer for my 20H, and I don't want to spend over a hundred, mainly cause I'm nor financially ready...hehe. I really want the bakpak, but I think I may get away with this prizm on my tank, being that it is a 20 gallon and all. I also am limited with space in my sump/fugium, and this skimmer would work well as far as space is concerned. I have read a lot of reviews, some good, some bad...mostly I read that it is noisy as hell. If any of you have anything to add here, please do so, as I am deciding very soon on what my plan of action will be. The size is why I am considering it, if I had the room I would just go with a CC cheapo(they work great, but need constant adjusting) but I do not.



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I have the prizm pro delux on my 210. Needless to say I am shopping for a new skimmer. If I were you I would wait go skimmerless for a while and get the better skimmer. I am constantly "tweeking" my prizm, you have no idea how annoying this is till you need to every night.
I am running a different model than you are looking at but they run on the same mechanics. I would not do it if I were you.
Mercedes Benz G Class


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Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it greatly. I have decided to re-do my sumpfugium anyway, as of about 10 minutes ago. I am going to use a bigger tank and have a seperate skimmer compartment w/baffle system, and a larger area for the pump. I am picking up a cc model instead, as I know they work great, and I don't feel like shelling out over a hundred bucks for my tank. I use an algae filter for the most part anyway, I just wanted to add a skimmer to help remove allelopathic compounds from my water, and I don't need something as large as the bak pak at this point.

Enough rambling. Damn, I'm always re-doing something.


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I have a Prizm in my 75's sump/fuge and it's great,,, I ran it on my 90 for a while but I think that was a bit too much for it.

Should be perfect on a 20 high. It's fashionable to knock Prizms these days but on smaller tanks I've never seen anything better.

Let's all beat-up on something more worthy,, like the Skilter :)


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I had one on my 75. It skimmed water. Put it on the ten gallon nano.. microbubble problem out the wahzoo and it still skimmed water. I'm not sure there is a good place to run those skimmers. I like the bak-pak idea better. Save up some cash.

If it is fashionable to be honest when saying that a product sucks rocks... well... so be it. I am in style.



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I absolutely hated my Prizm, was one of the major reasons I gave up on my tank the first time. I have an AquaC Remora now and it works really well.


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So far, my prisim seems to be doing the job. However, after reading these posts, I feel that the thing is going to blow up, burn my house down, and kill everything within two miles ..... They may not be great, but they serve their purpose.


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Simon, I doubt it's going to blow up and take your house and half your neighborhood with it. *chuckle*

That said, I don't like prizms... because I've used them. They are very finicky compared to the Aqua C Remora line, which is pretty much a set it, clean it out once a month and otherwise forget it sort of deal. The remora is a superior skimmer to the prizm, and due to lack of dickering around with dials, and having to continually replace a quart of saltwater every other day, I recommend them above the prizm.

But... if a prizm is all you can afford, then I suppose it's better than no skimmer at all :)



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I had one for about a year before the prop stopped turnin on the motor. My wife always complained about the noise and I was constantly messin with it. I have it in my garage now. If I can get the prop to work I will use it again as a backup or on a small aquarium no bigger than a 29 gallon. I would never get another. Even the Seaclone is a better skimmer in my opinion.


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I had one for about a year before the prop stopped turnin on the motor. My wife always complained about the noise and I was constantly messin with it. I have it in my garage now. If I can get the prop to work I will use it again as a backup or on a small aquarium no bigger than a 29 gallon. I would never get another. Even the Seaclone is a better skimmer in my opinion.


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I have an ETSS Sea Dragon, and it's great. If I were you, I'd save and get a better skimmer and skip the prizm.


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Thanks for the info. Those look awesome! How moch space do they require on the back side of a tank?

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