Ahhhh.... Gotcha Matt; your canopies arent just canopies. Theyre the kind of things youre proud of and put out in doctor's offices and fancy lounges. I thought you were turning them out quicker than you were for some reason; sorry
! Now that I know that youre going to stain, and
can stain them in all the minwax colors, the light is coming to me! Speaking of doctor's offices and such, I might have some great business for you in a short bit! All these fancy Napa doctors and chiropractors and dentists and such are always taking the bait I lay out to start a nano or even a regular/large sized reef in their offices/waiting places; these people dont really know quality from a gorilla's left index finger, but they understand price! They trust me, so Id give them the best I know of for the furniture and such; youre the best I know of now!
By the way, you dont make stands yet, do you? Like, not-on-the-site-custom style? And how many orders can you handle at once or within a 2-4 month period? You dont build stuff simultaneously, do you? What about customized peices? Like name plaques or inlays? Oh man, people around here would just eat your stuff up, and pay even higher markups... :mrgreen:
Matt, have you ever tried building a guitar? I know its off topic, but I was just wondering about that brace-work I saw on the underside of the canopy... If so, you should try doing the inlays like on the fretboards on the canopies, like Taylor! That would be the most awesome thing EVER!!!
Even rich people like around here would know whats what when they see a nano-canopy inlaid with abalone or mother of pearl or something crazy!
... I think I have a nack for babbling...