Hi guys,
Would a standard Aqua One RA620 [18gal.] be suitable for a fish only setup for the office? I just want a simple easy care setup for say, 3or4 clowns, 2 damsels, no live sand or live rock or coral at all,just some colored gravel and a "coral background"and some imitation rocks for hiding places, shuuuder shuuder I know!! It's instead of one of those dull bland looking freshwater setups you see in the Dentist's sergary. I intend to do a 10%-20% water change every 2 weeks.
Would I need to do any modifications to the basic filter system for just 5or6 small fish?
:? :?
Would a standard Aqua One RA620 [18gal.] be suitable for a fish only setup for the office? I just want a simple easy care setup for say, 3or4 clowns, 2 damsels, no live sand or live rock or coral at all,just some colored gravel and a "coral background"and some imitation rocks for hiding places, shuuuder shuuder I know!! It's instead of one of those dull bland looking freshwater setups you see in the Dentist's sergary. I intend to do a 10%-20% water change every 2 weeks.
Would I need to do any modifications to the basic filter system for just 5or6 small fish?
:? :?