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Matt_Wandell":11tsosxa said:
seahorses are threatened or endangered all over the world. .

the world went to crap long ago..i say get wild caught---they are more disease resistant.....if you drive in a car every day, you're doing MUCH more damage to the world than buying 1 or 2 wild-caught seahorses..

i'm wearing a shirt right now that says "Got Wild-caught?"


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Abu, you remind me of me in my early days of internet posting. :lol:

1. Which better suits an organism for disease resistance in the captive aquarium, natural selection in the wild or natural selection in the captive habitat?

2. In the context of selection, what feeding behaviors are the easiest to work with? Is it eaiser to house horses that feed on bulk frozen/enriched food or horses that feed on minute living organisms that are much trickier to supply? Which is an entry-level hobbyist most likely to prefer?

I would agree that a wild-caught horse in good health is very disease resistant in its natural habitat. However, I think we begin to hack at that resistance when we bring a horse selected for diversity into a restricted environment. Changes in diet, water quality and ecology (home aquarium relative to ocean) put stress on a wild horse where captive-bred individuals have selected behaviors and tolerances for the aquarium. Sure many have success with wild-caught horses, but given the environmental impact and the proven success of CB why do it>

I'd bet my eye teeth there is statistical significance between wild individuals succeeding in the home vs. CB individuals succeeding in the wild vs. wild individuals left in the wild vs. CB individuals kept in the home.

My T-shirt reads: Got ANNOVA?

I'd appreciate a shout-out from anyone who gets this joke.



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Ah, never mind. Brandon basically said what I was going to, in a much nicer way than I would have.


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brandon429":37yrrbjm said:
1. Which better suits an organism for disease resistance in the captive aquarium, natural selection in the wild or natural selection in the captive habitat?

shall i consider that we pull live rock straight from their natural habitat, as well as macro algae's, other wild-caught organisms, etc??


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Live rock and macroalgaes are MUCH different than wild caught horses and fish. My personal opinion is that if you can get it tank raised from ORA, OceanRider, etc, do it.



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many should direct their anger towards the asian community who have slaughtered millions of seahorses for home remedies....rather than at me as a hobbyist for not wanting to choose a horse from oceanrider's experiments...


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liquid":39pskrq8 said:
Live rock and macroalgaes are MUCH different than wild caught horses and fish. My personal opinion is that if you can get it tank raised from ORA, OceanRider, etc, do it.


and what about the unknown organisms that get beyond dips and quarantines and the curing process.....surely, there are no true experts here who can say for sure...not even Ron...

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