totally agree with the above....
I'm am in the process of moving my 10 gallon nano (first saltwater tank) to a 29 gallon, and I'm doing it "right". soon as I can afford it.
I want a show quality display tank, and to do so is more complex and expensive, but imho, worth it.
Drill it, Plumb it, and hide everything in the stand, if you are concerned with the appearence of the display tank.
I wasn't concerned when I set the system up initially, but I am moving it into my newly remodeled home office that I spent a lot of time building, and I want everything to look fantastic, so I am going the extra mile to ensure that I achieve that goal.
BTW .... you can have a nice tank that doesn't look great(on the exterior), and there is nothing wrong with that, if the inhabitants are healthy. I have seen plenty of examples of these on this board and others, and this is the category my current nano is in. I can stare at my current tank for hours and never notice the lights hanging over it, the exposed wires, the powerheads and skimmer intake/return, but there is something to having the equipment hidden as much as possible.
At the very least, the spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/roomate/etc... will have less objections.