I agree. The tank looks great, and I love the aquascaping. Have you tried running activated carbon for a couple of days in order to finish off the last of the cyano. It worked in my tank. I am keeping my fingers crossed, but I haven't seen cyano in a couple of months.
I have come to grips that Cyano is there for a reason. yeah it looks bad but I have found that it runs its course and dies off like everything else....
my main display 90g has it covering about 1/2 of the front sand. but it doesnt get on the rocks or the corals.. My finger lether seems to have this brown stuff on it it could be a form of cyano. but it seems to becoping well. the only way to get rid of the coral's prob i think is to frag it and take it out....
but the corals are out and everyone and everything is eating... Cyano has only been around for millions of years. i dont think we are gonna find a way to get rid of it permanatley (spelling - i am in low gear today)
but your tank looks great. i hope i can get my nano lookin that good.
I have cyano because :
-No skimmer
-Decent feeding because of Sun Coral.
I use phosguard 24/7 and carbon 3 days a month.
I trained my sun coral to be open during the day. How may you ask did I do that. What? Train a coral??? Yup. I feed it only during the day and therefore it knows that when the lights are on, the food is a comming.
Yup, I've heard of people training their polyps to open on during certain times of the day. BTW, how'd you train yours? But just putting food on the polyps? Some have suggested you take a turkey baster and squirt food "juice" to get it to open up. I've always wanted to try a sun coral but I fear I can't get it to feed.
It was sooooo easy. I just fed my one purple psuedochromis brine shrimp plus over it. I just plopped a sliver of a cube in the water. A couple minutes later the coral was open. And I only fed it during this time.