He he I remember that pic, it was a tiny avatar I once used. Matt it would be great to get a Nano Forum Rogues Gallery (credits to SeaMaiden for thinking up the name RG) so we can see all the people who post in this forum. Henry eh? been compared to worse... Ill take the middle ground somewhere around socially isolated pico reefist.
The ride over was a trip, someone behind honked at me when the light turned green and I was sitting there watching the pulsing xenia move about in the full sun. I had asked my buddy to give me a lift, but the 23 block drive was simply asking too much for someone in the throes of a cuervo-inflicted hangover so I had to go it alone.
The people from the middleschool that I am building a reefbowl for are ordering the lights, pumps etc from
www.aquaticeco.com and shipping them to me. I build the setup and get it balanced, then in late August we'll take it over to their school and set it up. Even if the new bowls aren't mine, its still terribly fun to build them at someone elses' cost!
Also, I think I will not include a DSB in these picos. Ill leave a clean floor for them to vaccum up all detritus and keep it as clean as possible, lest they wreck the setup when it gets fed too much. Imagine all the 14 yr olds saying "its my turn, let me feed it!" Theyd better have a way to export all the leftover crumbs if its going to remain alive and balanced without my psychotic tender care. A school should have a very reliable AC system, I figured that is the main concern when telling someone how to maintain a pico reef. Plus, Ill make the setup very simple, probably use caulastrea and blastomussa as the centerpieces.