ok, i think I have a good idea. I want to set up a hexagonal 5 gallon tank instead of the 10 gallon. This way, I can spend a little more on the lighting and get what I need. The second problem is the overflow. I have a glass tank, and I do not want to cut into it. I was thinking of having a siphon going from the tank into a tub of sand down below. This sump will have a powerhead inside blowing the water back up into the tank. At the end of this siphon tube is a float valve, so that if my sump gets low from the powerhead, the tank will automatically siphon more water into the sump. In case of evaporation, I can have another little tank of calcium water with a tube going into the sump with another float valve on the end of it. The only problem with this is that if for some reason my siphon breaks, i am screwed because the powerhead in the sump will just overflow the tank. Instead, I may want to rig a box inside of the tank that the water overflows into. Out of this box, i can have a siphon that siphon's the water into another box outside of the tank. As long as the siphon on the inside-of-the-tank box goes lower than the overflow on the outside-of-the-tank box, there should be less likelihood of the siphon breaking. Still, if it does, i am flooded. What should I do :?: