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Here is that powerhead I bought illicitly from the vendor in the mall. As I stated in an earlier post, there was a display of these very elaborate glass fountains, most costing 60-800$. As soon as I walked by the stand all I noticed was the tiny powerhead driving the display. I told the man: "Where did you get these? Let me see your I.D."

No, not really. I offered him $20 under the table to rip one out of an older display and he agreed. He told me not to come back with, as his boss would likely flog him for the act. Agreed.

So, it may not be freakishly small, but its half the size of a MiniJet14 and thats pretty darn small.
It will have to be taken apart and have the shaft examined to predict its longevity in saltwater. It wont be hard to make a plastic one, at least they have the housing and the magnetics in place. Its also three-speed variable with a tiny slide switch...



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Really? I saw that black and grey azoo model in the LFS and it was more the size of the minijet. Also I didnt notice an external powersource (less heat in tank) but it may have had one.


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Groovy little powerhead. Any clue at all who the manufacturer is??


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The Azoo (tossed the box so I dont have model number) was purchased from a local pet store in the Reptile department. It doesn't have the PS external, but temp in my 3 gal. will not reach much over 70 deg. without a heater. Not sure what it would do in a .5 or 1 gal. pico.


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Azoo is one of my very favorite brands for buying nano parts... they have a new chiller that is small and meant for 5-7 gallon nanos. No one makes a chiller that small with 1/2 inch ins/outs!!! Look at it on:


They have tons of various pumps and glass/acrylic aquariums, and even a misting unit that will make white vapor clouds inside a terrarium. Dang I love this company.


Hey John its made by JEBO, ill get on a pic of the label this weekend.

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