So I said I was going to be stepping away from the hobby for a while but somehow Im right back in it, just on a smaller scale this time. Hopefully everything goes as planned on this build. I'm excited about this build because I'm going top of the line this time!! So follow along and any ideas or advice you have, let me know...
Tank - Deep Blue 12x12x12 7.5 gal cube tank
Sump - Pico Aquarium 14x14x14 tank
Flow - Mp10w es
Lighting - AI Nano w/Controller
Skimmer- Hydor Slim Skim Nano
Controller - Apex Lite w/ temp/ph/salinity probes
Ato- Tunze nano 3152 w/ Custom King ATO Container
Dosing- Bubble magnus doser w/ Custom King 3-part Dosing Container
Return- Rio+ 1100
OverFlow - Eshopps nano overflow
Cpr Sock-it 4in
Phosban 150/ BRS GFO
Chemipure elite
Rock- 15 lbs dry florida reef rock
Sand - ??
Okay now that I've listed all my equipment, I need some help with stocking this tank. I was thinking a rare Zoa garden or a mixed reef (only the best color corals) and for fish I was thinking a few rare or bright colored gobies. I'm not sure just yet on my plans so i'm open to any suggestions . Pls Help
Tank - Deep Blue 12x12x12 7.5 gal cube tank
Sump - Pico Aquarium 14x14x14 tank
Flow - Mp10w es
Lighting - AI Nano w/Controller
Skimmer- Hydor Slim Skim Nano
Controller - Apex Lite w/ temp/ph/salinity probes
Ato- Tunze nano 3152 w/ Custom King ATO Container
Dosing- Bubble magnus doser w/ Custom King 3-part Dosing Container
Return- Rio+ 1100
OverFlow - Eshopps nano overflow
Cpr Sock-it 4in
Phosban 150/ BRS GFO
Chemipure elite
Rock- 15 lbs dry florida reef rock
Sand - ??
Okay now that I've listed all my equipment, I need some help with stocking this tank. I was thinking a rare Zoa garden or a mixed reef (only the best color corals) and for fish I was thinking a few rare or bright colored gobies. I'm not sure just yet on my plans so i'm open to any suggestions . Pls Help