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Advanced Reefer
Nutley, NJ
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For Xmas my girlfriend got me a a 24G JBJ Nano-cube. After having a 12 gallon fresh for the past three years I'm considering switching to salt. I've never done salt, and I know having a larger tank can make things a bit easier. I'm thinking of returning the tank she bought me and upgrading to the JBJ 28 advanced LED, any thoughts?

Also, any recommendations on LFS in the manhattan area to go for some good advice and good stock?

Lastly, what are your thoughts on a quarantine tank. Most people seem to say its absolutely necessary. My concern is, living in the city I don't have much room. If this is a deal breaker I may stick to fresh as I can't afford to give up any more space.


Advanced Reefer
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- Upgrade the tank to the 28g, you'll be happier with the selection of corals you can keep with LEDs

- Manhattan Aquarium has nice coral / frags, I don't like their fish. BEFORE you even consider buying anything make sure to do some research on ALL your livestock purchases to avoid throwing your money away.

-you can skip the qt if your aware of what your looking at when something is off, dying corals/ sick fish etc.


westbury ny
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Either tank will be able to support almost any coral. Some people will get hung up on the fact that the 24 has PC,, Power Compact fluorescent lighting. I however do not agree. SPS placed higher in the tank will do fine.
Wt=th the LED you will beat a little heat in the summer.
So it is really up to you as far as upgrading from the start.
As far as the QT. I wolud say more people in this hobby do not have a QT tank. Even though we all agree that in a perfect world everybody would have one.


Advanced Reefer
Nutley, NJ
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Ugh..I'm so confused. Maybe I'm wrong, or reading way too much, but it does seem that there are better options out there than the JBJ. I've read a lot about the Solana today and I'm convinced that it is a better option, although I'm a bit confused on the lighting options.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Either tank will be able to support almost any coral. Some people will get hung up on the fact that the 24 has PC,, Power Compact fluorescent lighting. I however do not agree. SPS placed higher in the tank will do fine.
Wt=th the LED you will beat a little heat in the summer.
So it is really up to you as far as upgrading from the start.
As far as the QT. I wolud say more people in this hobby do not have a QT tank. Even though we all agree that in a perfect world everybody would have one.
+1 you can keep any coral pretty much under any lighting if it is placed right.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Ugh..I'm so confused. Maybe I'm wrong, or reading way too much, but it does seem that there are better options out there than the JBJ. I've read a lot about the Solana today and I'm convinced that it is a better option, although I'm a bit confused on the lighting options.
Honestly dude for less than the price of any of those tanks you could easily buy a used 90 gallon lol

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