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Recent content by vetteguy53081

  1. Anyone know what is it algae ?

    Your no3 isnt dangerously high but water changes in addition to skimming or algae scrubber will be effective and adding chemiPure Blue to sump will help lower this and control phos while polishing water
  2. Falco hawkfish

    These are known jerks, will steal food, eat ornamental shrimp and chase/kill anthias and chromis
  3. Moving large tank

    Try U-ship.com Took 3 different tanks for me and you name price and get a driver
  4. Ich after 4 weeks of copper treatment

    Never heard of fish scratching from nitrates but flashing, scratching/darting often suggests flukes. Some symptoms of flukes will be rapid breathing, fish acting lethargic or swimming near the water surface, hiding in the corner of tank or behind rocks, loss of appetite, shaking its head...
  5. What am I?

    rainbow goni
  6. Lighting question

    Looks like current USA and there setup videos on you tube
  7. Ich after 4 weeks of copper treatment

    Pictures under white lighting would be helpful as spots can be an array of things from lympho to simple grains of sand
  8. Photo of the Month

  9. Emergency - Swollen eyed Anthias

    QT is best
  10. Please help with these 4 corals...

    1- alveopora 2- Stylopora 3- GSP 4- Yellow toadstool leather coral
  11. Emergency - Swollen eyed Anthias

    Looks like an injury that is infected. Treatment is ethromyacin ( Maracyn 1)
  12. Photo of the Month

  13. Algae Reactor

    I'll take this
  14. what can I use to control bristle worms.

    Homemade trap out of one liter bottle
