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Recent content by utep16

  1. B-ionic doser for sale !

    where in jersey? if still available i will buy it
  2. U

    hey Kevin, it's Larry (tall guy from manhattan aquariums) whats goin on. where you working?

    hey Kevin, it's Larry (tall guy from manhattan aquariums) whats goin on. where you working?
  3. Nice frag pack for small price:)

    im interested in the frag pack, but i dont have paypal. i bought frags from you you about a year ago. you probably dont remember me but i was the real tall guy with the bad knee. i could pick them up sometime today or tomorrow and pay cash my # is 201 852-6178 thanks Larry
  4. Blue carpet nem

    fish town in flushing has two blue carpets @ $199 i bought one last week. they were there as of last night
  5. corals f/s

    table still available?
  6. FS: RBTA and Frogspawn

    what color is the foot of the rbta thanks Larry
  7. Red and White Tile urchin FT or FS

    urchin i am new to the site. i tried to email you twice but got no reply. i live in forest hills and i am intersested in the urchin. you can reach me @ 201 852-6178 or email @ [email protected] thanx Larry
