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Recent content by TNT280

  1. For Sale F/S 30 innovative marine 30 gal Lagoon All in one full set up

    500 takes everything I prefer to sell it all together, less of a headache for me. I want to get it out of here. But since I broke down the tank I’ll part out I’ll make more parting out anyways I guess
  2. For Sale F/S 30 innovative marine 30 gal Lagoon All in one full set up

    Update no live stock! Tank is all cleaning up. If anyone is interested.
  3. For Sale F/S 30 innovative marine 30 gal Lagoon All in one full set up

    Bump Update: serious buyers only please I’m selling everything as one! you can easily resell for over $1,000 $600 takes everything no breaking up! tons of purple Rock including what’s in the tank. 1 blood shrimp 1 white maroon clown 1 bullet clown 1 six line wrasse 1 blue spotted goby 1...
  4. For Sale F/S 30 innovative marine 30 gal Lagoon All in one full set up

    BumP I need this thing gone I'm accepting offers, tank has no corals just two high end clown fish.
  5. Coral !!GONI PACK!!6!!

    where in bklyn?
  6. F L A S H.....S A L E !

    you still running this sale?
  7. For Sale F/S 30 innovative marine 30 gal Lagoon All in one full set up

    Hey everyone , just started this tank up about 1 1/2 years ago. Just don’t have time anymore and I’m going to be traveling a lot. I’m selling my entire setup. My loss is your gain. Including fish there’s 2 bullet clowns, a blood shrimp, maroon clown , a torch with about 15 heads, some high end...
  8. For Sale Sunny D

    I’ll take E or F where you located ?
  9. Equipment 2 radion XR15 pro

  10. Equipment Brand New wavelink powerhead

    brand new never opened. I ordered an extra and don't need it. Innovative Marine wavelink 1500 gph desktop aio power heads paid $99.00 https://www.marinedepot.com/wavelink-dc-flow-pump-1500-gph-auqa-gadget-desktop-innovative-marine Looking for trade or sale! trade for a Kessil A80 or or...
  11. Fish Blue neon goby

  12. Fish Blue neon goby

    Anyone know where I can get mini neon blue goby?
  13. Coral Zoos + Palys + Polyps

    I’ll take the utter and the Rasta where you located?
