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Recent content by Timbo

  1. Curious about people's experience with Mangroves...

    I bought them a couple years ago and the roots have grown out but not much height has happened.
  2. Advice on Setting Up My First Reef Tank – What to Expect?

    Welcome! -start with live rock, not dry rock -let your tank fully cycle before adding any livestock -quarantine all fish or buy from qt vendor before adding to the tank -take it slow
  3. Fish 5.7ft tank stocking

    Just make sure all fish are healthy as you’re adding them. Disease is a major issue in the fish trade and adding one sick fish can wipe out your entire stock. I never quarantined a fish until it happened to me and won’t ever again add a fish without proper qt. You are starting out right by...
  4. Reef tank movers in Nj

    Dave @reeftrends
  5. Who’s Using Solar Power To Run Their Aquariums? Paying $.30/kWh in lower NY.

    I priced it out and even south facing the number of panels wouldn’t cover 100% of our usage so ROI was going to be 8-9 years so figured I would wait until panels get better. Was going to cost around $40k to install and own not lease.
  6. Placing Live Rock in Tank

    Some float it above the sand with PVC pieces so fish can swim through front to back and have placed to hide. If you do it right you can’t see the PVC pipe at all.
  7. Frag removal! help!!!

    Break the glass around the frag with a wire cutter or something that can snap through it and then clue it to a plug. Frag should grow over the broken glass won’t see it.
  8. Need someone who does aquarium setup and moving

    Yup, Dave is the man! Highly recommend reeftrends. Moved one of my tanks in single digit temps lost nothing. Also, set up new display plumbed to basement.
  9. Salt creep behind External Overflow

    The external overflow is not attached to the tank? How is it drilled? More pics might help.
  10. Salt creep behind External Overflow

    I would probably be concerned since it looks like it is running the edge of where it is sealed to the tank. Shouldn’t get salt creep on a sealed edge.
  11. Live Rock in 2024

    I used TBS in 2020 shipped in water to airport and was happy with what I received. Couple mantis and guerrilla crabs but if you want real live rock from the ocean you should expect it and be prepared to catch them. I think they stopped shipping until April though bc of rough winter water making...
  12. Question Vacation Plans?

    ATO, auto feeder, and web cam to make sure nothing fails. Have done 7+ days with no issues.
  13. Fish Feeding Dwarf Golden Angel

    My dwarf angels chow down on nori sheets. If picking at the rock give it a try.
  14. New Tank Build - Re Entering the Hobby

    There has been a lot of talk about Red Sea tank seams failing so do your do diligence before deciding.
