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Recent content by TheOgre


  2. Looking for reputible frag dealers....

    I am trying to stock my nano and need a good dealer for frags of shrooms, and polyps.... Any sugestions?
  3. perculas known to be jumpers?

    Ginger took a dive into my overflow box one time.... I do happen to have an enclosed hood, so if she has tried to do the carpet dance, she has been impeeded....
  4. Old fashion camera guy....

    I think I will still stick with my old SLRs... The cost to quality that I am interested in is just out of whack.... The spouse just got a Minolta Maxxum 5, and we kept our old Maxxum 7000. Plus we bought a 70-210 and a 100-300 lens, and the total cost was still under the cost of a 5+mp...
  5. Skimmer Issues (Pump Problems Really)

    It is venturi.... The air valve is spotless.... I soaked it in HOT water to be sure....
  6. Skimmer Issues (Pump Problems Really)

    I have a skimmer running off a Rio 2100 at the moment. Or at least it used to be.... I don't know if it is the pump, or the airline, or what, but the draw on the H20 is not great, and there is no air in the tower AT ALL!!!! If I am going to replace the pump for this skimmer, what would be the...
  7. Spawning, and spawning, and spawning, and spawning..........

    I figure I will leave 'em to the gobys, shrooms, corals etc.... I couldn't figure out where to look for the little buggers and am never around to watch hatching anyway....
  8. Spawning, and spawning, and spawning, and spawning..........

    We shall see if the Bordello del Clownfish continues, as the latest batch of goby food seems close to hatching...
  9. black beauty vs. tahitian moon.... please help!

    True black sand would be crushed volcanic glass, and would not add anything to the system in general.....
  10. Spawning, and spawning, and spawning, and spawning..........

    I am starting to think I am running a bordello for my little clownfish!!! 3 sets of eggs in the last 6 weeks!!!! Is it something in the water? Params are good. Are all those mushrooms like little spanish flys for false percs? I have yet to see little Fred & Gingerletts yet as I am thinking...
  11. Are we having babies????

  12. Weekly Discussion - How do you justify your reef?

    Between hockey and work I need something that I can relax with.... Something besides just beer that is...
  13. Are we having babies????

    I was a very regular for along time, but have kinda fallen off into hockey, jeeps, business, etc.... I have not done any major additions or upgrades to the 'ole environment since we moved to the new house a year ago, but the impending youngins peaked the switch on again.....
  14. Are we having babies????

    Thanks for the info..... It would appear that they have found their favorite per hour motel to hang out at, and that yes, they were eggs, and have more than likely hatched.... If anything survives, doubtful, it could be fun later on. Gotta watch for future results..
  15. Are we having babies????

    UPDATE::::::: The small polyp like things, that Fred & Ginger have been protecting with such passion have almost disapeared. So, either they are being moved, as they are being observed a bit closly for mammas liking, eaten, or hatched..... If they were eggs, and they have hatched, what areas...
