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Recent content by superstar005marie

  1. Skiller

    Reef octopus classic 202-s $200
  2. sold

    Sorry sold
  3. Tank stand and sump $500 or trade for smaller tank

    120gallon rimless 60 long 24 wide 20 high will trade for smaller cube set up
  4. Lights

    3 radion gen 6 blue with bracket $400 each text me 9144734257
  5. sold

    4.5 to 5” achillies tang been with me a few years but down sizing my set up $400 Red Sea sailfin tang 4:5 to 5” also $125 both eat everything
  6. Gryphon diamond band saw and 3 extra blades(diamond band) text me 9144734257

    Diamond coral saw hardly use 3 extra brand new blade $450
  7. Acro frags for sale/trade

    Where you located
  8. For Sale Neptune Ebar 832. $175. SOLD

    Where is local pick up
  9. Red Sea 525xl

    Tank stand sump and acrylic screen $1200 Text me for pics 9144734257
  10. Red Sea 525xl

    A few scratches but for the price a steal cover alone is 400
  11. Red Sea 525xl

    Tank stand sump and acrylic cover $1500 or best offer Text me 914-473-4257
  12. Jawbreaker rock, torch

    I’ll take the jawbreakers
  13. For Sale Cornbred Rainbow jawbreaker

    Would take but am all the way in the bronx
  14. Reefbrites
