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Recent content by saltykid85

  1. Fish Male cross hatch trigger (8 inch)

    Picked up a male cross hatch trigger from TSM 2 weeks ago. Sale was curbside pick up, was not able to see how big it was in person first. Too big for my 180, $1200 mistake, hoping to find him a suitable home and recoup some (not all I know) central jersey, $800 obo
  2. Excellence every time

    In a world where most feedback especially on the forums, I would like to thanks Salgado for again delivering on fish that live up to the quality and health they seem to have become known for. Today I got a koi tang, Red Sea regal and a few other odds and ends, and they all look better than in...
  3. Equipment Deltec skimmer

    Deltec sc 1455. Had and used the unit for 2 years on a 90. Was an absolute beast, recently upgraded to a 180 and went with a bigger skimmer. Good shape, minor dings. $225 Woodbridge nj
  4. Tank Red Sea Reefer 450

    Still available?
  5. Fish for sale

    Radiant about 3.5 inches. Will get to PMs in a bit, still having hard time navigating to messages.
  6. Fish for sale

    Gem tang, 3.5 inches, quarantined and eats everything $575 rosebanded fairy wrasse, quarantined and beautiful $185 magma fair my wrasse, $125 mitratus butterfly, $175 radiant wrasse , $40 (all fish have been thru quarantine, just didn’t feel like putting it after each fish. 4 weeks copper...
  7. New stock list 9 / 21 / 19

    Picked up a regal angel, Achilles along with fowleri tang from Juan?s shop almost two weeks ago. Ate nearly instantly, and are doing very well. Having bought from 2 dozen or so places in the last 20 years, was to say Juan will be the only place I go to. An hour and a half ride which isn?t fun...
  8. Run from NY aquatic

    Just hoping to have others avoid what I wen thru. Stay far, far, far away from NY aquatics. The cheap prices lured me in, and man will I never do that again. The last 11 fish I?ve had, 3 from him dead, within gaurantee window, and he is not honoring it whatsoever. Gem tang dead in two days...
  9. Need help 12dkh on IO reef crystal salt

    IO mixes up high alk in most cases. I use Muriatic acid (1.5 ml per 10 gallons saltwater) which will Lower alk by 1 dkh . Do it in your mixing bin (careful with fumes) and allow to circulate to raise PH to normal for a good amount of time (6 hours or more)
  10. Mystery wrasse

  11. Mystery wrasse

    Price drop, $80
  12. Mystery wrasse

  13. Mystery wrasse

    Inch and a half, if that. I will take photo when I get home.
  14. Mystery wrasse

    Picked up a mystery wrasse last week currently in qt. Realized after some reading it?s not something I want to chance in my small tank, especially with other wrasses. $100 Pick up only, central jersey, (Woodbridge)
